💫.2 Hazelnut Soup

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"Who the hell are you And don't you have any manners before getting into someone house just like that, now get the hell out of my house before I call the police." Suga says see the unknown person standing in their living room, who was the reason to make his little brother cry.

"Mmmmmmh, what's that aroma and this nursery is your family, you surely do have a lot of guts for a gardener, I'll deal with you later but first I need to meet the cook." The person says walking further into the house while suga looks dumbfounded "Gardener, nursery, cook what the hell is he talking about is a psycho or what." Suga thinks walking behind him fast, while by now Taehyung had already stopped crying.

A tiny Jungkook following him. "What the hell, where are you going in? Who are you?" Suga asks frustrated.

"I'm Jung Hoseok you can call me Mr.Jung or Master simply and I would like you to shift to the Servants room and pick all these toys in their from. Now on." Hoseok says with a little smirk, assuming that by now the gardener must have got a jist of who he is and would be regretting over the things he just said to his new boss.

"Servants room, are you mad or what getting the hell out of my house , or I'm the police right away." Suga says which stops the Hoseok person while he looks back, removing his heavy backpack from his shoulder and tossing it to the sofa, making Suga's Eyebrows go up in shock. The audacity of this fucker!" He wanted to yell it out but it was strictly pg13 area with the twins around.

His Aunt comes out at the right moment with the large utensil of Hazelnut soup enough for the family towards them with a smile on her face.

"What's the commotion all about kids. Oh I didn't knew we had guests in today.well everyone settle in I'm sure we will have enough for all." Suga hears her aunt say while coming up to them, while Taehyung had started to struggle on his shoulder to let go of him he places him down while looks up see the fucking psycho take the first sip of the Hazelnut soup from the utensil itself humming happily, "I'm about to kill this psycho." He thinks as he sees it he freaking takes the first sip of Hazelnut Soup, something he had been saving money for to buy for weeks and he gets the first sip even before him and the kids. It should make his blood boil.

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