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In the past, there was a scientific phenomenon that shifted the very course of the world, the ability that gives a person supernatural abilities, two hundred years ago, there existed a child that was able to emulate light from their body which cause the world to go into chaos. Ever since the discovery of this child there were numerous cases similar to this occurred all over the world, cause newborns to be born with abnormal powers or physical differences such as pink or green skin colour or to be born with horns. Some called it the act of God, that the creator has allowed the wish of mankind to become great again but some believed it was due to a disease that was transmitted from mice. But, it was unable to be reversed, this is change in humanity became permanent, at first it was difficult for humans to become accustomed towards this new chapter of the world, and so they called these scientific phenomena: Quirks.

But these miracles weren't blessings in any form. To others they were a curse.

But due to people believing that they are superior than the rest of people, a new form discrimination appeared, both towards those who have 'weak' and those who are Quirkless. Quirkless it's the state of what humans originally were before the incident, but they were pitied no matter what or how.

When the sound of the bell echoed throughout the halls of Aldera Middle school, signaling that the school has reached its conclusion for the day. Midoriya Izuku, immediately stood up and gathered all of his things and leaves the room without haste. However, when trying to avoid several of his classmates... but that failed when an explosion was heard behind him. Bakugou Katsuki... his childhood friend and bully.

The tall blonde haired teen, was charging at him with his usual anger towards the greenette. His palms igniting from the sweat, activating his Quirk: Explosion. Quirks are forbidden from use for those who don't have permits but the teachers just don't care especially towards Izuku. Since he's Quirkless they just couldn't care for what happens to him. They allowed endless discrimination from students and even take part in it as well if they need a punching bag.

"Deku!" Katsuki yells charging towards him "get your Quirkless ass over here!"

He ran as fast as he can through the courtyard, then he heard seven more explosions echo throughout the area, trying to find its target. Swearing at what he going to do, Izuku runs into the forest and keeps on running, everyone has been told to stay away from the forest due to that there is the possibility that Villains could be hiding deep within the forest but to Izuku; hiding in a forest with the potential for villains is better off that confronting Katsuki.

As he runs without caring how deep in the woods, he stumbles onto a outgrown root and falls down the hill, endlessly falling. When he realized that he stopped he saw a building with overgrown plants on it looking around and hears the sound of explosions the boy runs towards the building hoping that it'll provide the sanctuary that he desires. The door was old and heavy but after persistently pushing it the door eventually gives to Izuku's weak body strength as it opens barely enough for him to get inside the building. When he squeezes into the building the door slams shut behind him,

"Calm down Izuku... calm down, remember what your therapist says: breath in.... breath out...." Izuku says as he repeats the same instruction repeatedly, he looks around the deformed building and notices that there was no signs of life or that no one has entered this building in a hundred year. It was amazing that the simple building was still standing, from what he can remember there was a fight with a disbanded villain organization once existed in this part of Masfutu before the lands natural vegetation took over but it was amazing it still existed. He waited to listen in case if anyone was in the building, listening carefully but when he hears nothing except from the occasional footsteps from the mice that live here, as his natural curiosity overwhelms himself, he decided to explore the unknown building.

When exploring the building, all he found were old books that were on the verge of being dissolved by the constant rainfall, 'the roof must have a leak or something' Izuku thought as he searches throughout the other rooms. After searching the house all he saw was nothing much damaged clothes, ruined books and old electronic appliances that was from a hundred years ago. Then he decided to look into the closet when he opened it there was nothing but a old mop and bucket, but when he looked over to the right he saw a trap door to a possible cellar.

Pausing for a moment thinking about all the possibilities of what could happen if he were to open the trap door to the cellar, murdered victims... kidnapped victims... torture equipment... illegal drug cartel... the possibilities are endless inside Izuku's mind but he goes against all his better judgement he grabs the latch of the trap door and pulls it, to find a ladder. Securing that the door doesn't fall and leaves him trapped inside of it.

When he climbs down the ladder, he sees that the cellar was in a better environment than the upstairs, there was three bookshelves that decorated the left side of the room while there was two desks, the one closest to the book shelves just had badly hand written notes on things that he can't make heads or tails out of it due to the language being written is English. While the other desk was full of tools, cracked crystals that lost their colour and a strange gauntlet.

Sighing that he can't read the pages he turns to the bookshelf that's behind the pages, looking through the volumes to find a book that may have the answers to explain what this place truly is. He initially assumed these were a Quirk study from when Quirks were originally discovered, when he grabbed a book and read the cover.

"The Principle Theory of Magecraft."

Wait.... what!? Magecraft... what is this stuff? Izuku's brain is trying to understand what this book is even about, he almost believes that it was created by some weirdo but there's volumes of these Magecraft books and the different varieties of each one: Runes, Astrology, Conversion and Elements. Some of this doesn't even make any sense, when he sees the patterns in the open space, the simple but elegant patterns that are carved into the ground putting the book back into the shelf, the casing of the shelve nicked him by giving him a splinter, waking away so that none of his blood stains the bookshelves, pulling it out before any infection can happen from the antique bookcase. As he pulls the splinter out of his index finger a few drops of blood escape his pierced flesh as it scatters across the sigil.

Then the sigil slowly begins to light up, as the crimson red illuminates the darkened room, shielding his eyes away from the gradually growing light. He could only hope that he didn't awaken a Demon or worse the devil... shaking these foolish thoughts that emerge as countless theories emerge from his mind he keeps his eyes shielded from the growing light. He can only pray Katsuki doesn't notice this light and do what he always does to relieve his anger.

When the light died down he lowered his arms to find a young girl in front of him slightly older than himself, she has long blonde hair and her kind and gentle green eyes. The unknown girl donned a white leather European medieval soldier tunic like dress, a gray trapper hat, black tights and knee high boots as she held a staff on her hand. Her aura was  nothing but blissful peace. The girl seemed surprised that the boy was in front of her as if she was expecting someone else but looked around to find that it was just her and him and then noticed the room the were in and accepted it as if it was a normal thing.

Izuku couldn't help but to be enthralled by her beauty, it was inhuman that this person was in front of him was a being of beauty. A blush creeps up on his face turning him into a practical Christmas tree which causes the girl to giggle at the sight of it. Attempting to shake the blush away from him as his face dyes down to its freckled pale face that is slightly pink.

"Hello there! I'm called Artoria, and I'm a Caster..." the blonde girl said as a blush creeps up onto her face as she gets embarrassed from the informal introduction "to tell you the truth, I really don't get this Servant thing. But if mere magecraft can be of help to you, then please make use of it as much as you wish." She smiled at the boy, ignorant of the reason why the boy in front of her has the blush on his face.


For those who are wondering, the house is based off of Shangwoo's downstairs and cellar from the Webtoon Killing Stalking. Basically this was a former workshop of someone who was studying the dying age of Magecraft when Quirks over shadowed Magecraft.

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