Chapter 2 | Demon

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COLD, cold, with heavy dews falling thick, and colder yet with the moon's icy glitter, lit with ethereal beauty by wan stars, these nights give no comfort or joy to people

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COLD, cold, with heavy dews falling thick, and colder yet with the moon's icy glitter, lit with ethereal beauty by wan stars, these nights give no comfort or joy to people.

The midnight breeze breathing heavily against the leaves, shivering from the impact of the cold gust. My eyes lazily wandering around my room, lightened by the silvery moonlight coming from the window, my mind a mess, struggling to reach somewhere where I could find the purpose. Tossing around on my bed with sleepless eyes, the duvet tangled around my legs to prevent the cold.

An uneasiness rising in my stomach, making me unable to breathe properly with a strange pain in my heart, a chaos starting to annex back of my mind. The feeling, the pain, the chaos, was familiar. It was one of those times when my inner self wanted to take control of my mind and body. He knew pretty well. We were two different forms trapped in a body, where none of us wanted to give up.

He was cruel, his intentions were wrong, a monster who had been living in the back of my mind but sometimes he would wake up and would try to take control of me, my body, pushing me somewhere away from myself and I couldn't let that happen.

I grabbed my throbbing head, breathing heavily. My eyes shutting, lips trembling as I tried to breathe. He wouldn't stop until I gave up, he would hurt me until he won.

He was my strength and my weakness.

I couldn't remember why we were so opposite living in one body, breathing in the same air, watching the world with the same eyes, yet we didn't get along, we never did. It was supposed to be normal. Everyone in my kind has this side too, the other one, who mostly lives in the back of our mind. He would come out when he was needed.

There are two things, which were written by our goddess the moment we came to this world. One of them is our other half - everyone has this side, our wolf. We are two different perspectives but we are still one, together we are the strongest and without each other we are nothing. We share the same emotions, same body but our soul and thoughts are different.

When we come to a certain age, we learn about this side. The purpose is to make each other strong, we need them as much as they need us, without each other we are nothing.

Nick and I never get along, for what reason I didn't know. We were opposite from each other in everything: he was strong, I lacked that capability physically and mentally. He was sadistic, and I couldn't even think about hurting someone. Why he was this way no one knew. I had tried so many times to talk to him but he wouldn't. As if he hated my existence, he didn't want me.

He had always refused to accept me.

Being a true blood, it was an advantage for him that his strength was unmatchable. The pack members loved me while they feared him. I have heard he's sadistic and dangerous, a wolf who knew nothing but blood, his thirst for blood was something which made him a felon. Why me? The question would rise every time. Why did my wolf side hate me? Why did the goddess have to pair me with someone who didn't even like me? How could I live with someone who didn't even accept me the way I am. Nick never took control during the day.

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