Chapter 5 | Lone Wolf

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YEONGDO was a small village surrounded by the mountains and the sea

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YEONGDO was a small village surrounded by the mountains and the sea. I had heard about the village many times but never got the chance to visit it. Though it was not far away from our pack, the only distance was the mountain and the deep forest, which had divided us and the humans.

The sun had long gone.

Darkness surrounded us as we walked towards our destination. Walking was a better idea, since we were close to the village. It was different from what I'd expected. Jimin walked ahead with his horse, being the guide. I couldn't understand what important things we had here. We were supposed to meet the Alpha who had been a threat to our pack. Each and every step we took I got a better look of the village under the night sky. Even though it was a small one it seemed wealthy. The house's, the people, the different clothes they wore and the glare some people gave us without any reason, indeed they were human.

From what I've heard humans are weird, which I soon realized.

"It's pretty isn't it?" Jimin asked as he must have noticed me staring at everywhere like a lost child. I didn't reply, a nod was my answer. He smiled, which was prideful. Of course, it was his time to barge about how much world he'd seen compared to me. "I was exactly like you when I first came here with my father. I was amazed by everything here" he continued.

"But why are we even here" I asked, not wanting to hold back "we were supposed to meet-" he cut me off. "I know. We are here for you so don't complain and walk. You will know soon" I rolled my eyes. Stop treating me like a baby. I'd had enough of this. At first I just didn't want to be involved but now was the time when they should tell me about everything, not because I wanted to know, but because I deserved to know. Everything. I knew I was in the dark. They were keeping things from me. I knew.

I couldn't understand why we were still walking when we had already passed half of the village. Where we were going. Even if we were meeting someone she or he had to be someone important, and if they were important they had to live in those wealthy House's. But Jimin didn't stop, he walked without stopping, he would look around from time to time and scrutinize things. While I just followed his footsteps. I'd always been.

As the stars appeared in the black sky we were walking in a different pathway with less crowd. The tiredness from the journey had started to affect me. Lately I've been feeling more exhausted and weird. Something was happening with me, I could feel it, but what, I couldn't tell. The more I think about it the more I lose my mind.

The wounds on my knuckles were still there, reminding me of that night. I didn't remember anything. Why did I end up with wounds on my knuckles and hundreds of pieces of glasses lying in my room? Nobody told me anything about that night. What happened that night? If I could remember clearly everything started from there. What am I missing?

"We are here" The voice of Jimin pulled me out of my mess. We were standing in front of an old building, which was away from the crowded place. The exterior design looked so old, the half broken mahogany windows were trying their best to fight with the forceful wind.

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