Chapter 3 | The Beginning

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Weird, everything was weird since I woke up the next morning with a heavy head and a throbbing pain in my hands

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Weird, everything was weird since I woke up the next morning with a heavy head and a throbbing pain in my hands. The incident of the other night instantly crashed in my memory. I don't remember what happened after I lost my consciousness. All I saw was how miserable I looked and the empty place where the broken window stood.

Nobody mentioned anything about it in front of me. But I knew, they had heard me, they had seen me. Did I hurt anyone? I desperately wanted to ask but I couldn't. I didn't see my father after our meeting in his room, maybe he was busy. Then again, he always was. My training was the same as before and I still failed to knock out Jimin. He would only smile and point out my mistakes and then again beat me like it's nothing at all. And I appreciated it, because one day I would win against him.

Like everyday, both of us were sitting on the ground after our training, watching the sunset. Breathing heavily, our hair sticking on our foreheads because of the sweat. Surprisingly, I felt good, unlike the other days. Maybe I was improving for good. I still had no idea what I had to do apart from good at fighting to become an Alpha. Father would visit other packs for alliances. But when we need them they are nowhere to be seen. I wondered what had happened. I was waiting for them to trust me but what Jimin said to me next was unexpected.

"Jungkook" He was still panting from the fight earlier, his gaze fixed on something ahead of us as he ran his fingers through his sticky hair. I hummed in response, waiting for him to speak while gazing at the lilac and orange sky. Staring at the sky was one of my favorite things to do when I'm alone or I'm stressed, it would make me feel calm. "Tomorrow, we have to leave for some meetings" He said, I nodded while recreating the lines of the clouds with my finger. "And also to find your Mate?".

My finger stopped in the mid air, I blinked, maybe I heard it wrong. What did he just say? to find whom? I quickly turned around to look at him with my eyebrows raised in confusion " My what?" I asked again, hoping I heard it wrong.

"Your Mate Jungkook" Jimin repeated again, now looking at me "if you are going to be the next Alpha you also need your Mate by your side. It's certain that she's from a different pack or you would have found her a long time ago since you are already 20 and will be 21 soon". The thought of having someone beside myself had never crossed my mind. Yes, I had heard it before but not many details. Another destined part of us written by the Moon goddess. Seriously, as if Nick was not enough for a headache, now a Mate.

"But hyung, you are older than me and you still haven't found your Mate. What about that? Shouldn't you find yours first?" I asked the common question, knowing the answer but still I had to. Jimin scratched his forehead, as if already waiting for this question to be asked. "Mine has never been a priority, if she's somewhere waiting for me then I will find her no matter what. But here we are talking about yours. Since our pack is on the verge of collapsing". I understood. If my Mate was from another pack then there would be a chance of getting help.

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