Chapter 6 | Daze

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I felt the sharp pain through my veins, burning my insides like a blazing fire. The smell of soil and grass invaded my nose trails, maybe I got so excited after getting some fresh air that I forgot my human side couldn't endure it which caused him to get unconscious out of nowhere, which I kind of had expected.

My human side couldn't control me, because I would never allow it. He did not know the powers he had. He had always been seen as the vulnerable and pitiful son of the Alpha who'd been raised without the love of a father or who's mother had given up her own life while protecting her son. People would always pity him, mock him behind his back, and question his ability to lead a pack in future. 

They had never trusted him. 

My first instinct was always to kill them, they had not only disrespected him but also me. Being the powerful one I'd taken too much pride in, I'd taken very much liking on who I was. I was not naive or vulnerable like my human side was nor I was a slave of my father who would constantly feed unnecessary responsibilities to him. And being the perfect puppet he was, he would listen, he always listened to them without any question. 

He'd failed to see their motives. The mind games they were trying to play and lure him into their traps while making him believe that I was the bad guy. Of course I was no saint but neither was I a fool to believe their sweet words. 

I listened to Jimin rumbling around like a fool, feeling myself getting irritated and not ending up slamming him against the wall by his throat. That boy never knew how to shut his mouth. I was very much tempted to cut his tongue and watch him bleed with so much satisfaction but I couldn't hurt him. As tempting as the idea was, I needed him.

 But his footsteps against the floor had been making too much noise to my liking. If I open my eyes now he would know that I was in control and I would have to face unnecessary arguments so it was better for me to pretend that I was asleep for now. The scent of the old books made me gag. I couldn't understand their scheme till now. Why did he bring us here? How many more things were hiding?

As the night grew it took every strength in my body to not shift and run through the mountain. I craved nothing but freedom, to feel myself again, to make my existence known while they tried to bury it. The cool breeze against my skin was tempting, calling me to dance around it. How many years had it been already since I had felt myself? my size would be bigger than the last time Or maybe my furs had become more softer. 

I miss my paws. 

"Do you think he will be okay before we leave again?" the voice of Jimin pulled me out of my thoughts, I could sense his presence and the unknown male who had identified himself as a lone wolf. It was my first time seeing one of them. Lone Wolf's were rare to find, not because they were another species, as if. Wolves that don't belong to any territory or a specific pack called lone wolf, or better say loner. 

A lone wolf doesn't follow any rules of nature it only knows how to survive, over time they would become strong on their own and their scent changes. Their nature is completely different from Rogues. So trust me when I say I was not expecting to come across one, not in an old library at least. 

The scent of this wolf made me puke. The meat my body had eaten was digested long ago so even If I ended up vomiting there would be nothing to clean on the floor. 

"I cannot confirm yet, his body needs time to accept the new environment and it clearly would happen if he travels further from here" The voice which I assume was Mr. Loners spoke, a very typical voice of an old man. 

We have lots of things to discuss. 

"But we have to leave as soon as possible, I've been trying to mind link father or Alpha but it's not working" Jimin said, a hint of disappointment in his voice. Of course you couldn't mind link them, for that you need strength which you get from food. I mentally rolled my eyes at his stupidity. 

"Just rest for tonight and we'll talk tomorrow, I'm sure you can share the bed with him"? 

Oh hell nah. 

A surprise squick left from his mouth and I could imagine the horror on his face. 

"I'd rather sleep outside than share a bed with him, last time we shared a bed he ended up choking me in my sleep, well it was actually Nick though, he just hates everyone and everything. So I'm not taking any risks" terror was clear in his voice. It made me remember our little sleepover when I couldn't resist myself to not kill him but unfortunately I had to let him go. 

"Well that's a good memory I guess, don't worry I have another empty room. You can sleep there, let's go".

I listened to the sound of the fading footsteps, followed by a loud thud. I opened my eyes to an unfamiliar room, lit by a candle somewhere. The wooden ceiling felt like it would fall on me anytime if I made any move. I turned my head to look to my right, finding the open window, it had no bars. I smiled before sitting up on the uncomfortable bed, looking at the shining moon outside in the sky, with thousands of stars scattered around it. 

Oh my Moongoddess, you do look pretty tonight. I hope you do not mind if I also enjoy this lovely night. 

I ran through the narrow path which leads to the forest, careful on every step not to step on something sharp. I'd left my shoes back in that room, there's nothing better than to feel the smooth grass on my bare feet. The moon above my head, the wind against my skin, the excitement in my veins. This was what I craved. To feel myself against nature, I didn't like to be caged in my own body. Even though I missed the sweet scent of my home I couldn't help but be excited after seeing the forest. The forest was my home.

I took in all the beauty of nature as much as I could. I'd have shifted to my wolf form but I couldn't risk my safety around humans, it'd be a big trouble if they get to know about our existence. I'd already had enough trouble on my little paws.

The contentment I felt could not be described within words. I felt complete again. The fading winter and the blooming spring dancing through the wind as the trees also swayed with them.

A giddiness ran through my body as I came to a halt, staring at the large trees around me, the scent of soil filling my lungs. It seems like the best place, deep in the forest. Quickly taking off the clothes from my body I set them aside in a safe place. The cool wind shivering my bare skin as I closed my eyes, taking in a long breath to calm myself down. Had it already been years since I had shifted, I could no longer remember. 

The pain I would feel after years of waiting, the pain which might not be bearable for both of us, but I had to try. I flutter my eyes open, staring above at the sky, letting my eyes glow under the moonlight. 

There's a battle waiting for me, for which I need power. 

The serene of the forest was soon broken by a scream as the sound of breaking bones echoed through the silent air. My lips parted as the pain ran through my vein, making me collide against the ground. Tugging on my hair as the fur grew on my skin painfully. I could feel the sharpness of my canines, my skin disappearing under the black far, which resembled the darkness of the night.

I blinked my eyes, seeing the red haze in front of me. 

I looked down, feeling my paws after a long time, letting out a small howl of victory in pure joy. If only he was with me to feel us again. 


A/N : My boy Nick is not bad, he lacks some manners and is a sarcastic personality unless he's killing... But he's a softie...

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