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The following morning was welcomed by four beaming smiles, Dudley, Harry, April and Dahlia all rose from their rooms full of excitement and joy. Today was Christmas tree day, the family were going shopping to one of the near by Fern field's it was owned by a blended family similar to that of the inhabitants of Grimauld Place. The wife was a muggle born and had attended Hogwarts a few years before Lilly and her friends her husband was a muggle born and as a way to connect the world indirectly during the holidays. Both muggles and Wizarding folk blending together to celebrate with their families. But without the knowledge of the children another family would be joining them, thought that would wait until later. The adults in the house were ready and waiting dark circles under their eyes due to late night conversations both joyful planning of the holidays and shared concerns for the safety of the Potter children. When April skipped her way down the cool wooden stairs she found a bowl of porridge awaiting her coupled with a glass of warm milk, warm not hot. Her mother placed a firm kiss into her temple and her aunt placed one onto the crown of her head. Sirius and Remus nodded and waved their hands in greeting clearly very tired and run down.

"How is everyone?" Harry asked as he entered the room followed by Dudley and Dahlia. The three found their spots on the table and began eating the morning meal, the four adults smiled at each other discussing the news within the daily prophet though, Lilly, Remus and Sirius did not regard it with much respect after the stories it published on their lives after the war let alone the information leaked from the school. Lilly had no intention of addressing April's house sorting it was of no concern to her. However Petunia had taken to reading the paper each morning she wanted to 'understand' the wizarding world a little better up until recent events all that petunia knew of her sisters world were three things. It had Snape and he turned his back on Lilly, making blood purist and unacceptable coming from somone who claimed to be a friend, meaning you cannot trust anyone but your own blood. The magical world had a chronic issue with Bloody purist terrosist's, meaning that status was everything and something you are unable to change. The last and most Terrifying thing that petunia knew was that the wizarding world had taken James Potter's life, meaning this world was dangerous. And if she wanted to send her daughter away on that train the following September she would have to prepare herself for the world she was opening up her family. Of course Harry April and her sister were family, but they had always been magical there wasn't a question in what kind of life they would lead. Although in reality Dahlia had always been magical too, she had always been destined for this world. However the simple fact remained, no matter how hypocritical it was. Petunia was scared, despite her anger at her husband for wanting to keep their daughter away from her birth right there was a small part of her that wanted to keep Dahlia safe within their new home to never send her away, to keep her sheltered from the horrors of a world that was supposed to be magical. However it would take Petunia years before realising the feelings she had regarding her daughters advance into wizarding society was not hypocritical in the slightest, her feelings regarded her daughters safety and her husbands feelings regarded a selfish need to be 'normal' and deep hatred for wizarding kind.

"So who's ready for a day of fun?" Lilly asked a wide smile on her face all four children mumbled out agreements and words that couldn't be fully understood between their mouthful's of food. She glanced over to Sirius and Remus who were talking quietly about some Christmas surprise she thought. Despite their enthusiasm it took the children several hour to finish their food and drinks, April had taken Dahlia to the libary to show her more about magical creatures and plants. Harry and Dudley had taken to talking about Football and Quidditch since the boys both played their respective sport.

"You see these?" April was holding up a herbology book and pointing at a painting of wormwood. Dahlia nodded in agreement her green eyes similar to April's wide with excitement and awe. "the leaves and flowers can be used for a wide range of potions" she smiled

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