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The crisp morning air filled the potters house, Lilly had forgotten to put the heating on the night before. it made not difference, she had spent the night cocooned in her quilt and several layers of blankets, it was then that she noticed the extra body next to her and momentarily panicked but calmed herself when she noticed the mop of red hair and realized it was her daughter, a sharp left her lips. she lifted a delicate hand and ran it over April's head. One year that was all Lilly had left. One year before her daughter would be shipped off into the highlands of Scotland. Away from home, but she knew like many others that Hogwarts would become a second home to her children. With her skills and ambitious nature she would thrive with this Lilly had no doubt. But over the last few weeks Lilly had felt a sinking feeling deep in her gut. Something was wrong but what exactly she didn't know. it was a gut feeling, she was not the kind to have Premonitions and never predicted the future, if she had that gift, James would still be alive. but she felt the need to write to harry, she wanted to make sure that every thing was okay. of course she had let him know that they were moving in, the house didn't go up for sale for a few weeks so if in that time things weren't working out they could move back in. However several conversations about arrangements, and Remus was overjoyed with the idea of having someone to help him with cleaning and chores, as Sirius didn't help as much as Remus would like. but overall this was a situation that was over due for a long time. 

As April began to wake, she become aware of her mothers hand on her head. And smiled in content, she was happy she wished harry were here though. To help move into the black house, she didn't like the thought that she would have to pick his room out for him. Most siblings do the whole "dips!" Thing and race to find the biggest room. She missed her brother she just hoped he missed her as much. And although both Potter children loved their mother dearly they had an unbreakable bond with each other. And harry had sent April some very concerning letters. He had a bad feeling and had noticed strange goings on which didn't ease her nerves about starting school next September. Though, she was very excited to spend more time with her uncles, and get some one on one sessions with Remus. He was amazing at defensive magic and with his werewolf tendencies he was also talented at healing magic, which somehow felt she would need at some point. 


"Yes, dear?" Lilly replied 

"How long until Uncle Remus and Sirius get here?" The young girl snuggled deeper into her mothers side tucking the blankets beneath her nose and keeping her eyes closed. 

"A few hours. We packed everything last night so we can spend a while in bed" 

"Mmm good!" April pulled her legs close to her chest and huffed 

"What?" Lilly laughed causing April to fall into fits of giggles. 

"The bed is so warm! I don't ever want to get out" Lilly hummed in agreement 

"I put a heating spell on the bed" she lowered her tone and whispered "I can teach you before you go to school" April turned to her mother in shock

"Is that why your best is always the best!? Dose harry know the spell?" Her eyes shone slightly the friendly competition shared between them leading her to wanting to know something more than her big brother. She was the brains he was the fame. Although really she should be. Not in a distasteful manner, harry and April had discussed this many times. Harry had already been born he was a defenseless baby April however was even more so, she was a foetus and the fact their mother died should have effected her in someway yet it hadn't the Potter children were equally as unique and extraordinary as each other but April's uniqueness has to he a secret as no one could explain it. and she was fine with it. she could see how uncomfortable harry was when people noticed him on the street and April had no need to step into that limelight. she would however want to be known for her achievements, her scholar work. she wanted to get a perfect score on her first year exams she wanted to create spells that would one day become standard use within Wizarding life. she was smart her brother was brave, her uncles made the joke that she was a little Ravenclaw in waiting, from what harry said, Ravenclaws were the know it all's and that in reality, Ravenclaws and Hufflepuffs are basically forgotten among the rivalry between Slytherin and Gryffindor. which made her want to be a Ravenclaw even more, Hufflepuff sounded cool though...  she was dragged back from her thoughts by her mothers voice caught her attention. 

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