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White. that was it, that was the only thing she saw for what felt like an eternity. but the time frame in reality? she had no idea. The evening had been perfect, peaceful, even calm. for a very brief moment the small family had forgotten that they were in danger, they had forgotten that the life of their son was hanging in the balance as Voldemort hunted them down. only recently two of their close friends had been tortured to insanity. leaving the Potter's in hiding, leading her here. But where was she? what led her to this moment? she couldn't remember... 

then they came back, slowly. she had been in the kitchen making up a warm bottle for harry and a drink for James. Harry was happily cooing on James' lap whilst his father created all kinds of illusions for him. Harry's personal favorite  was his fathers stag Patronus. she had walked into the room and stopped for a moment and admired the view in front of her and marveled in this pocket moment of happiness. but then it changed. or she thought it did those thoughts we still unclear, a burst of adrenalin and fear. the drinks fell from her hand's and Harry was placed into them instead. she pulls him close and try's her best not panic, she needed to get out, to get safe. but they didn't have time, before she could form a coherent sentence the door was rattling and flashing with light. 

"run!" James yelled, stepping in front of his wife trying to shield her from the coming danger. she haltered for a second a split second but then her instinct. a mothers instinct kicked in, and she ran, as far away as she could but they had no back door they had no underground safety net they had no escape. the plan... the plan? what was the plan? they were protected right that's what her memories told her they had trusted someone. but who? their friends. many faces ran through her mind many smiles and laughs and shared beautiful moments. she ran up stairs and tried to lock the bedroom door belonging to harry. Apparition.. what was that again? Safety, a spell it could get her and harry out of here, she could save him and her unborn child. she needed to think of somewhere safe. petunia. her sister, she reached for her wand. it wasn't in her pocket. merlin. she needed her wand. dammit they were going to die! tears sprung from her eyes as she heard a cry from downstairs and a scream of 

Avada Kedavra!"  and with that she felt it, the loss. he was dead. she heard to foot steps ascending the stair case and she gripped harry tight. 

"mummy love's you harry" she hushed him "and daddy too" and soon she heard the doors in the hallway being blown open with each one she flinched and calmed harry as he wailed. but then the door before her was blown to pieces and there stood tom riddle. a cruel smirk on his face. 

"lilly.. my dear" she recoiled 

"please leave harry alone, you can have me just please leave harry alone" a sound left him that could only be described as a mocking tone.

"i've a promise my dear. your child must die" she placed harry in his crib and stood in front of him. she was willing to do anything for him in this moment. maybe it was selfish it wasn't just her life she was willing to sacrifice. but she had to save harry . 

and then it was blank. it was white. 

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