Chapter 7: Eli Noble

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Vegas lays a gentle hand on my shoulder to help calm me, and it's exactly what I need to focus back on what really matters. Stopping crime and getting home alive. I take a deep breath, trying to soothe myself in a way that I've worked hard to. 

Gathering what I need - three G17 Glock pistols, a bulletproof vest, leather gloves, et cetera - I allow myself to get into defense mode. I'm not about to go down without a fight, and I'm not going to die. I can't die. Knowing that I left Beatrice the way I did. 

Slasher, Bear, I get into the truck with Tank being the driver, understanding that we don't want to be with Vegas from personal experience. The poor suckers that have to go with him...wouldn't want to be them. 

During the drive, we discuss our plan, not having to follow exact orders from Alpha since he trusts us to get the job done with the boundaries that he has set before. No killing innocents, no slow deaths (not when invading a building), and things like that. But if we just stick to those standards, the rest is up to the individual team.

My blood pumps fiercely through my body, my mind ready for whatever might happen. At our signal from Poison through our headsets, the three of us quickly and quietly move through the parking lot. 

Yes, it might be daylight, but it's sometimes the best of times to break in someplace - especially in the middle of an abandoned warehouse district. It allows for a certain element of surprise that you don't always get in the middle of the night when most gangs, mobs, and/or syndicates are more prepared to be attacked. 

With a wave of my two fingers, Slasher and Bear break off together, leaving me to deal with the back entrance on my own. With Reaper and having an even number, we would usually go in pairs of two since that's safer, but I don't mind breaking in on my own. 

I know I can call for backup if I need it, it keeps me on my toes, and I don't have to look after anyone else besides myself.

I hear a loud bang come from the front - Bear is definitely deciding to go for a big entrance - but I decide to go with a subtle approach since the locks on the door don't look too complicated. Using the two safety pins I always carry with me (never know when you might need one), I pick open the lock in less than a minute, pushing the door open noiselessly. 

With a quick but thorough sweep of the closest area, Glock in hand, I step forward. I hear a few gunshots coming from the front but don't let it deter me from what I need to continue to do. I hear soft sobbing coming from one of the rooms, and I head in the same direction. 

I blow out of breath, forcing my fear to go with it, my mind no longer reeling with dangerous possibilities filled with nervousness. I break open the door using the butt of the gun, shoving my body through the door to only feel a pain hit my shoulder.

My cheeks flush red, my blood rushing out of the open wound to stain the inside and outside of my leather jacket, my teeth gritting with anger and to hold back from groaning at the stabbing pain. Holy's been a while since I was shot. Three months at least. 

Beatrice is going to kill me if I don't die here. I'm not fucking dying here; I would rather die with her. In the blink of an eye, I fire my own weapon twice, hitting the hidden man once in the kneecap and the other through his wrist. 

His scream echoes around the room, and I swiftly spin around the rest of the door, scanning the rest of the room to see a little girl huddled in the corner. Tears stream down her face, her body rocking violently back and forth, her knees tucked up tightly to her chest. 

My heart clenches at the awful sight, the color draining from my face as I stare at her torn clothes. I step slowly forward, dropping my gun back into the holder on my hip, my arms raised up in the air in a surrendering position.

"I'm not here to hurt you."

"Is he..."

"He's not going to hurt you anymore. How old are you?"


"I'm twenty-four. What's your name?"

"What's yours?"

"Eli. Eli Noble. But call me Whiskey."

"I'm Navy. Navy St. James."

Thank god she didn't question the name.

"Can I ask where your parents are?"

"Not here."

"Is it okay if I come closer?"

Navy nods her cute little head, and I turn my body to face the door as I lean against the wall next to her.

"Do you know how long you have been here?"

"I don't know."

"That's okay. Is there anything I should know that would help you right now?"

"Are you going to keep me safe?"

"Yes, I promise."

"My arm hurts. That man tugged me hard when he heard the loud noises from before."

"Can I touch you? Make sure it isn't broken or needs immediate attention?"

Once again, she gently nods her head, permitting me to check out the hurting spot. I wouldn't want to make her feel any more uncomfortable than she probably already is. I use the sunlight peeking through the high window to flick my eyes over the bruised skin, pressing on certain spots to watch what her reaction is. 

She only winces when I press on the bruise, so I know it shouldn't be too bad and will probably heal in a few days. Though I will definitely have Nicholas - the most doctoral prospect and person that we have around. We have a doctor which I will most likely need for the bullet in my shoulder, but besides that, we don't use her much. 

I hear the door creak open, and I quickly reach for two of my guns, holding them out in front of me. But when I catch the side of Slasher's face, I lower them and peer back at Navy who has hidden her head behind me between the small of my back and the wall. 

Smart and clever girl. When he catches a glimpse of two adorable little feet pressing against the concrete floor his eyes widen with disbelief, fire filling his eyes.

Oh shit. It doesn't take much to know he's pissed. Whenever it comes to children, you don't want to get in his fucking way. I don't know the tale behind that, but I'm sure it's not good. Like anything else having to do with this goddamn wonderful MC. 

I stand to find Navy clutching onto me tightly, reaching her arms into the air so I'll hold her. Without a second thought, I lift her into my arms, words that Beatrice might say flashing through my mind. She leans her head on my not-wounded shoulder, and I tuck her head further into my neck to hide her from any dead bodies or blood as we make our way through the warehouse. 

No one questions me as I carry her into the truck, clutching her in my arms for the rest of the time we are in the warehouse district and on the ride home. Instead of driving back to the bar - even though I need a drink more than anything right now - Tank parks in front of our own warehouse headquarters. 

Bullet reaches out to take Navy from my arms so Dr. Amin - the new MC doctor since Bear was done with it - can take a look at her, but I can't let her go, wanting to keep her close to me.

"You know nothing is going to happen to her."

"I know, I just-"

"Bullet, go help unload the weapons."

"But Alpha?"

"They will both be fine, I'll handle it."

I nod my head towards our chapter president, not understanding why he would plainly and without argument accept what I want. I don't question it, however, wanting Navy to get medical attention before anything else. 

As I enter our clubhouse, Beatrice's beautiful yet hardened voice reaches my ears. I instantly let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. While listening to the troubled and broken sentence of her wanting to know what's happening with me makes me want to melt. 

Her words are full of grit and impatience, her voice raising an octave, and I'm sure she's standing on her tiptoes like she always does when she's frustrated or vexed. And without even realizing it, I'm gradually falling back in love with her.

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