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You make up to the sudden movement of Natasha waking up

You notice you fell asleep on her chest with your hand across her waist and your legs over her's but instead of moving off of her you keep your body there

It has been the best you've slept in months

When Natasha notices she pushes you off and makes her way to the bathroom

Natasha's POV

I can't believe she fell asleep on me

I don't know why I felt so safe being in her arms I've never felt that way before, the feeling of finally feeling safe after so long was actually scary

I couldn't get to close to her so I just had to keep my distance even if that mean ignoring her

Suddenly I heard a knock that the door

Y/n's POV

You were so confused at why she just pushed you off and left so you decided to check up on her

You make your way to the bathroom door and knock on it

"Hey Nat are you okay?" You ask her as she opens the door and just walks past you

"Natasha I was talking to you" you go up to her as you grab her arm

"Y/N LET GO NOW" she screams at you

You let go of her arm and just walk away

You are so annoyed and puzzled

How could Natasha comfort you one day and ignore you the next

"You know what fuck you Natalia I'm not dealing with your bullshit today" you tell her as you walk Into the kitchen to get water

You decide you were hungry and make your way to the door to find somewhere to eat

As your heading to the door Natasha asks you something

"Y/n where are you going?"

You decide to ignore her like she did with you
It was just the petty inside you

You walk out the door and slam it as you head to the elevator as the door is about to close shut a hand placed itself it the middle

It was obviously Natasha and you knew it

She storms in the elevator and pushed you against the wall

"Next time I'm talking to you answer okay"

You turn your head away

She grabs your face and makes you look at her in the eyes

"Look at me when I'm talking to you"

You make it seem as your about to kiss her but instead tell her something in her ear

"Go fuck yourself" you whisper loud enough for her to hear

"Only if you can watch"

right as the elevator door opens and both of you walk out

You guys find yourselves at a small shop to go eat

You guys sit down at a booth as a waiter comes up to you guys

"cosa vorreste mangiare?" She asks you both
(What would you guys like to eat)

Natasha looks at you confused

"prendo le frittelle doppie ripiene con una limonata alla fragola" you tell the waiter and she writes it down
(I will have double stuffed pancakes with a strawberry lemonade)

"e per lei" she asks you as she points at Nat
(And for her)

"lei avrà lo stesso"
(She will have the same thing)

Then the waiter leaves

"What did she ask you and since when have you known Italian" Natasha looks at you

"She asked for my number and if you were my girlfriend"

"And what did you tell her" she looks at you irritated

"I gave her my number and told her you weren't my girlfriend"

You look over and see her jaw clenched and hands in fist

~Time skip~

You and Natasha finished your breakfasts and decided to walk around as you see a dark figure in an allyway

You decide to go in there as Nat yells at you not to go

All of a sudden everything went black and you felt a sudden pain in your lower abdomen


Wtf just happened

Y'all what is going on here We should've just listened tho Natasha when she said don't go


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