Chapter 1

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Aditi's POV

I stare on the tiled wall, feeling exhausted after doing nothing. In fact, the past few weeks have been extremely exhausting....mentally. I can't seem to focus on anything and my attention just keeps shifting from one thing to the other. It's like I have no control over my thoughts and my mind hs taken the driver's seat and it is taking me to the edge, where I feel like I might fall off any moment.

I can't seem to be gripping on the reality and am dreading on the past events. It's like everything that happened few weeks ago, happened yesterday. I can still feel John's hand on my body, his horrid breath on my face, Maria's body sprawled across the floor with blood staining the white tiles. The white room of the hospital feels like a cage that I am trapped in. The moment when Harry told me that we lost Frederick and Maria, that Rose became an orphan, that Zayn was shot and almost lost his life too.

It all still seems like yesterday.

I can't do this anymore..... Wish I could just give up on life.... Wouldn't that be easy? Like right here, in this bathtub....I could just drown myself. What a relief would it be to escape from the devils of my mind, escape from he white walled room that jut keeps closing in making it difficult to breathe.

"Adiwi.... Are you in thwere?" Rose's child voice calls out through the bathroom door.

"Yes, I am. Is everything alright?" I ask as I carefully stand up in the bathtub.

"I'm hungry." she squeaks and a small smile forms on my lips.

I step out of the tub and walk over to the door, leaving a wet trail of water. I grab my bathrobe from the hook on the door and wrap it around my body. I open the door only to see the five year old looking at me with a big smile.

"Oh! Can we Frosties! Pwease!" she jumps up and down and I shake my head and chuckle.

"Didn't we just have that two hours ago?" I tell her as I put my hands on my hips.

"Yes but it is soooo good! Can we? Can we? Can we!" she hops in place excitedly.

"How about I make you French Toast? I ask as I crouch down to her level.

"I don't like Fwech food. But I like Fwench fries." she smacks her lips and I throw my head back laughing.

"French Toast isn't French, silly. But I'm sure to are going to love it!" I pull on her cheek.

Together, both Rose and I walk towards the open kitchen of this hotel room. I start removing the ingredients from he fridge and place them on the small counter.

"Can I help, Adiwi?" she asks in her cute little voice.

"Sure. Come here." she walks over to me and I lift her up, making her sit on one of the high stools. I push a bowl towards her.

"Okay, all you have to do is mix the batter with this whisk." I hand her the whisk from the drawer.

After around half an hour of cooking, we're sitting on the sofa, opposite to the TV and eating our hot French toast with caramel sauce.

"So did you like your French toast?" I ask as she takes a bite of the late toast.

"I wike it! It's better than Frosties." she smiles as she looks up at me.

"I'm glad you like it. Now, do you want to do anything?" I ask her as I pick up the plates.

"I want to watch Peppa Pig." she says and grabs the remote. Yes, apparently, five year olds can operate the TV remote and a mobile phone as well.

"I'm just gonna wash the dishes." I say as I stand up with the plates. I walk back over to the kitchen and start washing all the dirty dishes we used to make the French toast.

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