Chapter 27

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Aditi's POV

"1. And 2. And 3. And 4." I count the steps one by one on the microphone. Currently, we're in a studio, and it's the second day of shoot. The studio is crowded with backup dancers, and Harry is along with them.

The music is blaring through the speakers, and I'm already loving Harry's new single, Treat People With Kindness. I'm sure it's gonna be a super hit.

"Cut!" Ben screams into the microphone.

"That was great! Just a little more energy this time, and I promise this will be our last shot for the day." Ben says, and everyone just cheers.

"Lights. Camera. Music!" And the shot begins again.

Harry looks in his zone. Focused, determined, and giving a banging performance. He's a great dancer and didn't require much practice either. The song is mellow, and the choreography wasn't complicated either.

"Cut!" Ben exclaims, "That's a wrap for today! Our final shoot is tomorrow. So please save up some energy, and we'll get this done!" He says happily as he stands off his chair.

I stand up too and make my way to the dancers, who are a sweating mess. I grab a few water bottles off the crate and hand it to them one by one, "You guys did great!" I encourage them, and they thank me.

This is my first time choreographing a music video, and it's kind of exciting. I never got to see the behind the scenes of a music video, and today I can check that off the list, all that to my dear Harry.

I finally look at him, and he's talking to Ben and whipping sweat off his forehead with a white towel.

"Aditi, will you be coming?" asks Erica, my assistant, who has helped me choreograph this sequence in one day.

"Coming where?" I ask in confusion.

"Oh, it's Klien's birthday. We're going to celebrate it at his place." She says as she too grabs a plastic bottle off the water crate and chugs it down.

"Oh, I don't know." I say with uncertainty. After the 13 hours of practice today, I feel like just slumping off to bed. Plus, I don't know why, I've just been feeling very dizzy since this morning.

"Come on, Aditi! It'll be fun!" Erica presses, and I groan, making her laugh.

"I don't have anything appropriate to wear." I tell her honestly. I didn't pack anything extra. I wanted to travel light.

"Oh, don't worry. I've got an extra dress with me. I was confused between the two, so I brought them both with me. You can borrow one of them." She says with an excited smile.

"Oh, that's solved." I chuckle awkwardly, "I'm not making any promises, but I'll check with Harry and let you know." I say with a smile, and she nods her head in understanding.

"Great! See you soon!" And with that, she finally leaves me alone.

I look around and see people standing and talking to each other about the events of the day. Some pack their stuff, where as the others are just scrolling through their phones.

I peep over at Harry again. He looks so focused and dedicated. The way his eyebrows are furrowed, the way he's playing with his lower lip as he concentrates on the camera screen. I've never seen him this serious before.

I walk closer to him, not knowing whether I should talk and disturb him or just wait till it's done.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. If we could span the camera out a bit, it would make a difference. We might have to retake this shot again then." Ben explains, and Harry agrees.

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