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(Flash forward)(3 months later)(Zonnique diary)

Zonnique Pov:

Dear Diary,

I really need to get this off my chest ..or out of my system i dont know. I have a feeling.. To be completely honest i have a uh felling or whtever i guess tht i might sort of kind of maybe like dario but idk if as friends or more or less or as a person idk wht it is its just something in my blehhh i dont know ew okay heart i guess is just making me want to cry n lauph n wonder i guess n ew feel like idk emotional junk n its just overwhelming..N i think its because okay so last night i stayed up thinking about Zinkota n then him n i realized were pretty mean to eachother. N then i realized tht people are mean to eachother when they like eachother... N then i just started thinking about all the rude things i said n did n realized wht i really ment... N it got to my head n i stayed up lauphing n rembering stuff n lol ... i kinda cried a lil ... i rembered all this small stuff like the time we were in Guide thts were you learn about your powers and how to use them properly n there were barley any people in the room n i was water bending n one of my friends was talking to me n dario had a clip in his hair n he was like "beauty you know no ones listenig right" n i was like "i am" n then he said something n i got mad n i was like "you have a clip in your hair" well i just rember how i ew okay idk felt n it was like instead of tht i was really trying to say ... Idk some akward eww this is gonna kill me by the end but lol some akward mushy stuff.. "N then he said some stuff n then said "shows how much you knw about hair" n when he said tht it felt like he was saying something different. N then i death stared him for a long time . but lmho i really only wanted a excuse to stare at him . ew but anyway i think he said "Zonnique why do you keep staring at me" or something ... N really like in my head i wanted to say "because your..... So Lol i dont want to say it but lmho yu get the idea" but i ended up saying "because your.......getting on my nerves" n then he said "im sorry" but to me it was like he was saying Okay again this is just me letting all my i guess feelings out but lol ew okay to me it was like he was saying he loved me. N idk alot of stuff kept appearing in my memory n i just felt like crying because I couldn't breathe and he ain't even know it. How come I never show it? N i kept feeling like i liked him but i didnt know how to show it. N the whole time i was i dont know in this i guess i could say depressed stage i kept feeling like we were like i should like there is something that needs to happen or be done. N like i didnt need to be ew feeling like this but i wanted to for some un known reason. They say you don't know what you got 'til it's gone.They say that your darkest hour come before your dawn.But there was something that I should've asked all along. I dont know if i can explain how tht made me ew feel i guess n i after all this i thought it was just cuz it was late n my eyes were watering but in denomination. i had to pray tht i wouldnt completely just start balling n i just dont know whts making me do this. N the best part is i really never wanted to stop crying it made me idk feel human i guess lol EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!! Yupp tht was digusting lol .. So thts wht basically happen of wht i can rembr .



That was part 5 of my new story -------> "All Things Go"

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