Peter Venkman

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You and Peter had been going out for a couple of months now and you were getting a little tired of Peter's unsuccessful job at Columbia University. He wasn't making a lot of money, and he wasn't spending a lot of time with you. Despite that you were still in love with that idiot, whenever you and Peter would fight, he would always end up making you laugh and you two would make up Today Peter was away again at the university, he said he was doing some test on 2 people to see if they could guess a presented card without seeing it. It sounded stupid but he said "y/n this is a very important experiment okay?"Sarcastically of course but that's what made him so funny.

——time skip——

You decided to sit down and enjoy a coffee at the dining table while you waited for Peter to get home, you were just about to take your first sip, when suddenly the door flew open and out comes Peter in a full brown suit and some kind of, what looked like a vacuum on his back. "Peter what the hell happened?" I laughed. "You remember those nerds Egon and Ray?" he asked, removing the black contraption from his back. "Yeah I remember them" "Well they dragged me to this library where they claimed that there a ghost siting that I thought was COMPLETE bullshit." Peter sighs then sits down at the dining table putting his face in his hands, but soon lifting them to say something, "and it turns out they were finally right about something and we DID see a really crazy ghost lady." I laughed, "Peter, I thought you didn't believe in that kind of stuff!" He looked me smiling "I don't! But you should've seen this crazy lady." "Well alright, if you say there was a ghost, then there was a ghost" "I'm just exhausted..." suddenly Peter glanced up at you smirking. "Hey y/n have I told you how absolutely gorgeous you look today" Peter complimented while placing a hand on your thigh under the table."Oh no Peter not tonight," you said as you got up from the table and began to start dinner. Peter got up as well following you into the kitchen like a little boy begging his mom to give him an extra cookie. "Why not? I mean how long has it been since we've had sex? A day? That's a new record!" Peter complained as he leaned against the kitchen counter. "Peter I have to wake up early tomorrow and-" Peter suddenly spun you around from the stove putting his warm hands on each side of your waist and looked deep into your eyes. "Ok, ok fine" you laughed as Peter lifted you up holding you, with both of his hands now cupping your ass. "y/n l/n, you are not going to regret this" Peter smiled as he carried you into the bedroom.

Okay that was my first crack at Bill Murray imagine! Did you guys like it? Should I continue this story and write the smut that goes with it? I tried to include some of his sarcastic humour but idk if I was successful at all. Anyways who do you want to see next? I was thinking Egon, but let me know if u guys have a preference.

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