Egon Spengler

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This was a request by @remington54

It was another day of going to the library to come up with a lesson plan for your biology class that you taught at NYU. It was the beginning of the semester and you still had quite a bit of planning to do.

————Time Skip————

You were almost done when you turned your wrist to check your watch. It read 4:55, the library was going to close soon! So you gathered your things in a hurry practically racing across the carpet. Going so fast that you didn't even realize the tall man in front you as you both collided and fell on the ground. Without looking at the man you immediately start to apologize and gather up all your books "Oh I'm terribly sorry sir I was just worried about the library closing soon" still without glancing up you hear a vaguely familiar voice coming from the man "Oh don't worry about it" he reassured as he helped you get reorganized. Then you swiftly lifted your head to thank the man, and instantly thought of how familiar as well as handsome he looked. "I'm Egon by the way" the man said "Oh that's where I know you from!, you went to Stuyvesant High right? We were on the science team" egon then smiled "Oh of course! It's y/n, right?" You two finally stood up and continued to talk and catch up. "So how've you been Spengler?" As Egon opened his mouth, just about to reply, an old woman interrupted "you two should know the library closes in two minutes" you both look at the clock and notice it's now 4:58. "Right uh, sorry mam" Egon apologizes as the lady walks away. "So you wouldn't want to go to my place and catch up would you" for as long as you've known Egon you know he would never be the kind of guy to pressure a girl into anything, so you agreed and took a taxi to where he lived. The building was what seemed to be an old firehouse with a sign on the front that read "Ghostbusters" you laughed to yourself "it slipped my mind that you're apart of ghostbusters, how's that working out?" "Fine, we haven't gotten any calls yet...we have a receptionist named Janine but she doesn't do anything due to no calls so she just gets paid to sit there pretty much". As the taxi comes to a stop Egon insists to pay the man as you both get out and head towards the building through these big black doors. You want in to the old firehouse with a big black hearse as well as some scattered tools around it "Exuse the way the place looks Peter and I thought it was the last place we would choose, but Ray was so crazy about we thought we'd take it anyway"you smiled at the comment. As you walked further you saw in a sort of office area a woman sitting at a desk reading a gossip magazine with the name card "Janine Melntz" she then swiftly looked up and put down her magazine and smiled at Egon "Hello boss" she beamed, then turned her head towards you "do you have an appointment mam?" "Uh no Janine, this is my friend y/n, we went to highschool together" Janine looked saddened for some reason, and in a way jealous. "Oh really? I thought these guys didn't have any friends besides each other" she said sarcastically while grabbing a nail file and beginning to file her nails down. "Ok then, see you later Janine". You then followed Egon up some stairs to a living space, up there were two men playing cards on a table. One had curly hair and was wearing a turquoise and purple sweater and the other had straight, sort of spiked up hair with a cigarette in his mouth. Soon taking notice to you the curly haired one spoke up "sorry mam don't listen to a thing this lunatic says, your in good hands with me" the man says ushering me away from Egon "Not so fast Peter she's with me" you laughed and stuck out your hand to Peter "I'm y/n" Peter looked you up and down "Peter" he replied gazing deep into your eyes whilst holding your hand a long time after you finished shaking it. "That's enough Peter" a jealous Egon spoke pulling you off from Peter, and ushering you towards the other man who took another puff from his cigarette. "And this is Ray" Ray took his cigarette from his mouth and put it down an ashtray "nice to meet you y/n" he smiled. "Alright now that you've met everyone do you want to sit at the dining table and talk?" Egon asked "sure, can I get a coffee?".


Okay I'm thinking of making a part 2, what do u guys think? Let me know!

Also I had to look up both a real New York high school and university 😅


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