A turkey and some mistletoe

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A/N: In this story Janine never fell for Egon and is roommates with y/n  (just some context!)

Christmas was your favourite time of year, the lights, the music and just the overall feeling of the season made you feel at ease. In fact you suggested to the guys that you should all have a little Christmas party at the firehouse with drinks, music, the whole nine yards. Busy as they were, Ray was the one to spring  up to convince the other guys that they all needed a break. So, over the past week you and Janine have been gathering supplies for the party, the last thing on your list was booze. You and Janine were quick to get into the store; your cheeks tinged pink from the biting winter weather. Janine grabbed a cart and you got out your list for what you needed to get. "I think it was a real nice idea to suggest this for the guys, I mean all they do is work" Janine said with  her elbows draped over the handle of the cart. "I agree, I knew that they were going to burn out sooner or later" you laughed grabbing a bottle of Bailey's creamed liquor. "Are you gonna to tell Egon about how you feel tonight?" Janine intrigued smiling, "Janine you know I'm forever going to be too scared to tell him" you blushed swatting lightly at her arm. As you got enough liquor to get 4 cows drunk Janine pushed the cart to the cash register and began putting the items on the conveyor belt. "I'm just sayin' y/n, you'd be surprised how many times I catch Egon staring at you.." you laughed "shut up Janine!" You said playfully, both of you laughing while you paid for the drinks.

🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄time skip🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄

Janine and you were in a frenzy, you were mixing the creamed liquor with some eggnog in a big punch bowl, and Janine was hanging up a tinsel garland around a pillar. You both sat down exhausted at the table , "How much longer till they get here" Janine sighed resting her head on the table from exhaustion, you dragged up your arm to check your watch "Five-ish minutes". It was no sooner that you put down your arm that Peter came busting through the door down stairs "DECK THE HALLS WITH BOUGHS OF HOLLY" and Winston, Ray and Egon followed joining in, "FALALALA LA LALALA" Janine and you looked at eachother both of smiling and rolling your eyes. You and Janine then both rushed downstairs to see everyone with loads of things for the party including Dana with a turkey wrapped in foil " Peter could you close the door..it's freezing" Dana shivered tensing up her shoulders "I would but you see my hands are full my dear" Peter said sarcastically he was only carrying two bags that seemed very light. "I got it Dana" Winston smiled, even though he was carrying much more than Peter. While all that was happening you couldn't help but lock eyes with Egon, examining his features and his adorable glasses he wore, how fluffy his hair looked..."Oh Egon darling!" Peter teased noticing the tension between the two of you, "Let's get this stuff upstairs before we have to get you to kids a room huh?" you blushed at the comment and you both fell out of the trance getting everyone and everything upstairs. You, Dana and Janine helped get all the food ready putting it in proper dishes and getting out serving dishes, Dana glanced at you smiling "So..is tonight the night?" Dana inquired, you had a feeling at what Dana was aluding to but you asked anyways. "The night for what?" you simply asked, Dana and Janine both turned to eachother giggling "For you to ask Egon if-" "Oh my god not so loud! the guys are in the other room"


Peter, Ray and Winston and I were all sitting down around a table playing some cards. "So tonight's the night Egon?" Ray asked looking up from his cards smiling, to see my reaction. "I don't know Ray, I don't know how I'm going to tell her, I'm usually so confident and I can calculate how to perfectly handle situations..but when I'm around her, I just can't focus" "Here's what you do Egon, I brought some mistletoe with me, I'll hang it up and  one of us will point it out, and suddenly she's in your arms ready to whisk her off to nerd land or wherever you plan to take her" Peter dramatized while throwing one arm out to gesture out into nothing.


"Alright guys soups on!" Janine called to the guys in the next room. The four men quickly discarded their cards and rushed to the chairs around the table, drooling at the hot food in front of them. Suddenly Peter stood up, "Now, before we dig into this wonderful feast, I would like to announce that I will now be putting up the mistletoe for all you lovers out there" he carefully attached the plant to the doorframe of the kitchen and winked at Egon, sitting back down. You all finally sat down, ready to dig in when Winston piped up "Now wait a damn minute, where's the cranberry sauce?" "Oh shoot, I'll be right back" you said as you whisked away to the kitchen.


I looked after at y/n, longingly as she passed under mistletoe into the kitchen, how can I get her to stay under there? Suddenly Peter nudged me, I quickly looked at him and he pointed his head to y/n who was coming back with the cranberry sauce. I quickly realized what he was referring to and shot up.


You quickly grabbed the cranberry sauce from the counter and headed back toward the table, when Egon was coming towards you suddenly stopping at the doorframe where you met face to face. "I think you kids know what to do!" Peter gestured at the mistletoe. "What do you think Spengler?" He didn't even respond, he just took the sauce from your hands put it on the counter and cupped your face and kissed you. It wasn't long, but it was meaningful; his warm lips on yours made you feel a fire inside of you that haven't felt in a while. In that moment it was just you and Egon, you linked your arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. It was only when you both pulled away that you snapped back into reality, both of you blushing while the others cheered "took you long enough!" Ray laughed. Christmas just became a whole lot better.



I meant to finish the story on Christmas Eve but I was so tired, I've been visiting with family all week and it's been crazy! But here ya go, hope you still enjoyed, and I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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