Chapter 14

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A/N: Be the Reason why Someone gets Diarrhea today


Y/N Wakes Up as He then Looks Around and sees Everyone is still sleeping

"Well then"

He said as He Stretch

"May We Bring Down Our Enemies to the Ground for Soon As Carnage will Reign Upon them as Chaos Soon Erupts from my Might..."

He then Smirks as Things May get a Bit Chaotic in the near future as Y/N then stops as he turned around and Then Shouts at them to wake up

"Everyone! Wakey Wakey! It's time for Us to Brings Chaos Upon our Enemies!"

Y/N Shouts at his Comrades as Everyone wakes up as Jeanne was Already awake and Heard his "Speech"


Jeanne Stuttered as Y/N then Looks at her

"Is it Really Okay for us to... Attack head on? We are Still Outnumbered"

Y/N stared at her as He Smiles

"Don't worry!"

Y/N said

"We're not Outnumbered Jeanne-Tan I've Played This Game way too Many times and still Remembered that the Alive version of Gilles is Helping Us"

Y/N thought as He Puts His Hands In his Pockets

"And Not to worry Cause all of our Enemies are just Little Wyverns And Dead soldiers And are just Mere Weaklings"

Y/N said As Gudako Wakes Up as She yawns as She then Waves at Y/N

"Good morning Gudako-Chan!"

"Jiii... 5more Minutes"

She then Falls Back asleep as Mash Then Sweatdrops

"S-Senpai Please Wake Up!"

Mash Said as Y/N sighs As he Waves at Mash to stop

"People need rest so They can Fight at Full power"

Mash Then Nods as Sieg Goes Towards Y/N and Ask him

"So what's the plan?"

Sieg said

"Oh! The Plan is for you Guys to Not be a Liability and yea... Sieg, George and Everyone else fight The Dragon"

Sieg and Everyone else then internally Face Palms

"Bye! Sa-chan you take care of the rest!"

As Y/N then Disappeared As Everyone just Stares whilst Gudako asleep


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