Golden Apple Archipelago || Jean x Diluc

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"Well, do you like it?" Jean asked, spinning in a small circle. She brought a hand up to her face to block the sun, the beads on her bracelet clinking together pleasantly.

She was wearing her summer outfit, which Lisa had packed for her. Jean was glad somebody had the forethought to pack lighter clothing, because it was certainly hot out. Being on the archipelago was amazing, but Jean didn't know if she could handle the constant heat.

Diluc flushed pink. His jacket was off, and the sleeves on his shirt were rolled up to his forearms. Jean couldn't help stealing another peek at his corded muscles.

"Of course I like it, Jean." Diluc smiled up at her. Jean's stomach fluttered. Even after being together for so long, his grin always affected her. Diluc did it so rarely, so every time felt like Jean had won something.

Jean moved forward and straddled Diluc's lap. His eyes glazed slightly as he looked down at her, brushing a thumb along her exposed collarbone.

"Maybe, your outfit will come off soon, though." Diluc whispered, caressing the shell of Jean's ear with his breath. Jean hooked an arm around his neck, running her fingers through his hair.

Jean leaned in slowly, her eyes fixed on Diluc's lips, moving closer and closer until-

"Master Jean! Master Jean!" Klee came bounding up the steps of the archipelago camp where Jean and Diluc were resting.

"Um, yes, Klee?" Jean stumbled off of Diluc's lap awkwardly, nearly tripping over a starconch. Diluc stood up too, and pulled his shirt down slightly. Blushing, Jean averted her eyes.

"Hi Master Diluc!" Klee cried, waving one chubby hand in greeting.

"Hello, Klee." Diluc bent down on one knee and examined what Klee was holding.

"These are the fish I blasted today with Kaeya and Razor. I have a bunch more in my bag, wanna see?" Klee made big puppy eyes up at Diluc.

It was honestly quite adorable seeing Diluc interact with Klee. Jean was mostly too busy to take care of Klee, so one of the Knights of Favonius or Albedo and Sucrose would take care of her back in Mondstadt.

Klee had never had much interaction with Diluc, but there had been one time when Jean had asked her about Diluc. 'He's one of the weird grown-ups. He's so grumpy all the time... Why does he never smile?' Klee had said.

Jean had laughed for quite a long time, and after she told Diluc, he had gone out of his way to play with Klee. Now, Klee and Diluc were almost always together, and Klee enjoyed comparing their Visions, since both had Pyro Visions.

"I'll take you fish-blasting right after I talk to Master Jean for a little bit, alright?" Diluc said, patting Klee's head congenially.

"Okay, but you gotta be fast about it!" Klee ran off, her backpack bouncing against her backside.

Diluc turned to Jean with a smile on his face.

"Fish-blasting, huh?" Jean teased, going into fits of laughter over the thought of Diluc blowing up fish.

"What else are we supposed to eat for the time being?" Diluc shrugged, dusting his shirt off. "It's difficult feeding 8 people on an island with nothing except seafood."

"I am getting a little tired of Golden Crab every night. Catch some fish for me?" Jean laughed. Diluc swung his arm around her shoulders, kissing Jean on the cheek lightly.

"Sure. And when I come back, maybe we can find some privacy and finish what we were doing earlier." Diluc whispered. Jean stopped laughing, warmth seeping to her core.

"Maybe," Jean poked a finger into Diluc's chest, enjoying how warm he felt.

It really was an amazing day out, Jean thought to herself. Maybe she should go fish-blasting too.

wah i miss the archipelago

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