Diluc Goes To Therapy || Jean x Diluc

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modern AU, mostly from Jean's perspective because i'm lazy. also this was a joke bc someone said they shipped diluc x therapy pls don't come at me

Jean picked up her coffee and took a sip, wincing as it burned her tongue. Shit. A bad day gone worse. This was great. Just wonderful.

The morning had already started out bad, when Jean had woken up late for work. She knew her secretary, Lisa, would be mad at her, but really, Lisa was quite lazy herself. Jean couldn't bring herself to care too much.

A pounding headache had started the second Jean walked out of her house, making it difficult to drive to the Favonius Therapy Clinic. Plus, her new client was late.

His profile read: Diluc Ragnvindr, age 22, problem reported: severe and crippling depression. No picture provided.

Jean pushed her glasses up her nose and sighed. She dealt with a lot of people experiencing depression. Just last week she had met with a broke singer named Venti, who had a drinking problem and a dead friend.

A raindrop hit the case file, creating a big wet spot on the top.

"Shit!" Jean cried, scrambling to close the window, her knee propped up on the couch. Of course it had to rain. Whenever it rained, Jean got a headache. On top of the one she already had.

"Hello?" a deep voice called, smooth like butter.

Crap. The client was here, and Jean was on the couch, back to the door, her ass pushed out, face and hair slightly wet. This was not a good first impression.

"Ah!" Jean scooted off the couch awkwardly, standing up and brushing her damp hair out of her face. Her breath hitched as she caught sight of her new client.

Diluc's face was framed by red hair, long, messy bangs covering his forehead. It was quite long, in a high ponytail and still reaching mid-back. His eyes were a startling shade of red, jawline and cheekbones defined.

Slowly, Jean's eyes flickered down to the rest of his body. Oh Archons, he was fit. Jean could tell he exercised frequently, judging by the way his white long sleeved shirt fit his waist.

"Um, hello?" Diluc aksed, waving his hand again.

Shit. Jean had been doing that staring thing again. Maybe she should go out more often, meet somebody, instead of staying at the therapy clinic going through paperwork over and over. "Sorry, I have a headache." Jean blurted.

"Uh, okay." Diluc said, staring at Jean perplexedly.

"Y-you can, ah, sit down. On the couch." Jean gestured vaguely toward the fluffy couch. She sincerely hoped Diluc wouldn't notice the claw scratches from that one client who had been raised by wolves. He had been strange, to say the least.

"Alright. My name is Diluc. Normally, I'm not interested in idle chit chat, but I'll make an exception." Diluc extended his hand, presumably for Jean to shake.

Jean extended her hand, trying desperately to quell the shaking. Her hand fit nicely in Diluc's, she thought to herself. He was warm and comforting, and smelled slightly of gunpowder, and something a little fruity. Grape juice, or something like that. Jean was pretty sure her 8-year-old adopted child, Klee, drank grape juice.

"Um, so you say you experience crippling depression?" Jean began, double-checking her case file. Diluc was too hot to be depressed, in Jean's opinion. "Could you pinpoint where it started for me?"

"Well, my dad died when I was young. He was killed by suspected Fatui activity." Diluc stared down at his hands, clasped between his knees.

The Fatui were a notorious mafia group, stemming from Snezhnaya. Their ranks included Fatui Skirmishers, Fatui Cicin Mages, and all the way at the top were the 11 Harbingers, similar to mafia bosses, and the Tsaritsa. There was a lot of fanfiction about them online.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. Who brought you to therapy, or encouraged you to come?" Jean asked making a note on her pad. She looked up and caught Diluc staring at her, a look of openness on his face.

"My step-brother, Kaeya Alberich. I believe he works here?" Diluc said, a frown on his face.

Jean knew Kaeya. He was half an asshole, with a great ass. Kaeya worked as another therapist in the building. They interacted occasionally, although Jean was technically his boss.

"I didn't know you two were brothers!" Jean exclaimed, smiling slightly. She wouldn't have thought they would get along well, though.

"Step." Diluc clarified, an annoyed tone in his voice. "And he's adopted. I'm genuine." Diluc added.

"Oh, okay." It was clearly a sore point between them. Jean thought it best that she didn't pry more into it, although she would definitely ask Kaeya about it later.

"Wait, aren't you the owner of the Dawn Winery, the biggest brewery in all of Mondstadt?" Jean asked, a sudden revelation coming to her. "I knew I recognized your name from somewhere!"

"Ah, yeah." Diluc admitted, wringing his hands. "I don't actually like alcohol though."

Hmm. That was strange. The owner of the largest winery, didn't like alcohol? What a contradiction.

The rest of the session continued on, Jean helping Diluc work through his feelings and overcome them. One time, their hands brushed as Jean reached for her pencil on the table, sending waves of electricity up her arm. Diluc had pulled back quickly, pink coating his cheeks.

At the end, Jean got up to usher him towards the door. She fiddled with her pen a little, before tucking it behind her ear.

"Thank you for coming to see me!" Jean said enthusiastically, hand braced upon the door.

"Uh, thank you as well." Diluc turned around, putting Jean and his face very close together. Jean could tell how his breath hitched as he looked at her, eyes flicking over her freckles. His breath dusted her mouth, they were so close.

Jean stepped back, clutching her clipboard to her chest.

"Ah, goodbye," Jean smiled, and waved, trying to control her breathing. Diluc left, the door swinging gently in his wake.

Leaning against the door, Jean thought to herself that today might not have been so bad after all.

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