Turtle-Racing at the Dawn Winery Pt. 2 || Jean x Diluc

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a request by one of my readers on ao3!!

diluc's pov hehe he's so cute

Sighing, Diluc traced a line in the dirt with a stick and stood up, being careful not to squash his turtle, Halley. All he had to do now was wait for Jean, who was uncharacteristically late. His heart warmed at the thought of seeing her face, framed by pieces of blonde hair, dotted with freckles that only appeared when the sun shone. She would flash one of her smiles at Diluc, getting her nose to crinkle slightly.

Diluc made his way toward the corner of the Dawn Winery wall, about to start looking for Jean, and her turtle. 

"I've got Snaps!" Jean's voice called, filling Diluc with relief. He could feel a smile growing on his face, but quickly smashed it down. Stay cool, he mentally reminded himself. "Where do you want to start?"

"I'm over here!" Diluc said, rounding the corner. He grunted slightly as Jean slammed into him, turtle clutched protectively in one hand. Diluc instinctively reached out to hold onto Jean's waist, fingers grasping the fabric, and his other hand swung up to meet Jean's, her palm soft and warm within his.

Jean looked up at Diluc with those startlingly bright eyes, looking at him in a way that made Diluc want much, much more than friendship. Her thumb lifted up to brush against Diluc's collarbone through his loose shirt, sending jolts down his spine.

"Ah, thanks." Jean said, using her hand to take a step away from him. Was it just Diluc's overactive imagination, or could he have heard a bit of a waver in her voice? "S-sorry I bumped into you,"

There it was. Jean almost never stuttered, courtesy of her noble-upbringing. She and Diluc had taken the same classes from the same tutor, schooled in elegant speaking and manners. Diluc knew Jean well enough to know that she only stuttered when she became flustered.

"No, no, it's fine," Diluc waved a hand, grinning at Jean in an unrestrained smile. "I was, ah, looking for you anyway." Oh Barbatos, that had come out awkwardly. Jean blushed and looked away, probably embarrassed by Diluc.

"I, ah, brought Snaps." Jean held out her hands, cupping Snaps between them. The turtle wiggled in its shell, snuggled deep into Jean's hands. "Do you have Halley?"

Diluc extended his hands with Halley tucked between them, brushing his fingertips lightly against Jean's in the process. 

"Yes, she's right here," Diluc said. He could feel warmth coming from Jean, her face flushing pink at the sudden contact. 

Diluc cleared his throat, turning away from the spark in Jean's eyes that made her cheeks glow.

"Well, I set up the racing track over there." He pointed one hand over at the crude racing track he had made in the orchard, hoping that Jean would find it okay.

Jean jumped towards the track, turning her head back over her shoulder to smile at Diluc. He was rooted to the spot for a moment, unable to move under the sun shining in her blond hair, glancing off her blue eyes, her smile crinkling the corners of her eyes. 

Diluc hurried forward and set Halley next to Snaps, flustered after Jean's smile. Jean darted a glance at him, to which Diluc smiled back.

"3, 2, 1, go!" Jean cried, setting her turtle off. Diluc laughed a little as Halley quickly outpaced Snaps, who was moving at a speed fitting for, well, a turtle. He sat down again near the finish line, draping his hand across his knee. 

Slowly, Diluc's knuckle brushed Jean's knee slightly, the brief contact sending a visible jolt through Jean. Diluc studied Jean discreetly, noticing that the longer he kept his finger touching her, the more flustered and blushing Jean became. 

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