Under the Stars || Scaramouche x Mona

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slight continuation of my recent scaramona fic hehe

so basically it's modern au and enemies-to-lovers arc and the link is right here 

-> https://www.wattpad.com/story/277827651-the-astrologer-and-the-harbinger

go read pls i spent a long time on this one 😭




"Where are you taking me?" Mona asked, the world fuzzy and black.

"Shh." Scaramouche whispered near her ear. "It's a secret." He kept his hands clasped firmly around her eyes, holding her close, so she couldn't see anything.

"Is that grass? I think grass just touched my foot. That was definitely grass." Mona said, grasping Scaramouche's shoulder for support.

"Stop trying to guess where we're going," Scaramouche huffed adorably. "It'll ruin the surprise. But yes, we are outside."

"I knew it!" Mona said triumphantly.

"And we're here, anyway." Scaramouche said, lifting his hands from Mona's eyes. She blinked a little bit and looked around, eyes adjusting to the darkness.

It was nighttime out, and the stars glittered over their heads. A picnic blanket was covering the top of a grassy hill, telescope perched delicately at the head. Near the edge of the picnic blanket, a basket, presumably filled with picnic foods.

Mona turned around, hair flying around her face, to face Scaramouche, who had his hands pushed into his pockets, ears red. His smile was sheepish, eyes scanning her face for Mona's reaction.

"Well?" He asked. "Do you like it?"

"I love it!" Mona cried, flinging her arms around his neck. Scaramouche stumbled back slightly from the force as Mona kissed him, although his hands quickly repositioned themselves on her waist, bringing her closer against his body.

Scaramouche's mouth pressed insistently against Mona's, one hand wandering up to tug gently at her hair. Slow, soft kisses peppered her lips, nose, the side of her neck.

"Hah," Scaramouche said, taking a slow step back. "I, ah, think we should stop for now." His pupils were slightly dilated, half-lidded, sweeping over Mona with a stare that made her nerves tingle. Mona's stomach dipped at the bright half-smile on his face.

"Right, and I haven't shown you all the cool constellations you can find at this time of year yet!" Mona said eagerly, darting towards the telescope. She could feel a smile growing on her face. Her entire body felt like it was full of sparkling bubbles.

"I should have expected this," Scaramouche said with a mocking sigh as he came to sit down next to Mona, on the picnic blanket. "I knew you would get all nerdy over stargazing."

"Yeah, it's not like I run a club about astrology," Mona joked, focusing the telescope. "Anyway, look at that one." Mona pointed towards the sky.

"Teach me your ways, o' great astrologer," Scaramouche teased, poking her in the side.

"It's o' wise astrologer," Mona smiled. "Look, that one is Pavo Ocellus. It's shaped like a peacock." Mona smiled, looking sideways at Scaramouche.

"All I see is a bunch of eye-strain inducing dots," Scaramouche said, deadpan as he peered through the telescope.

"Shh. Here, I'll draw it for you." Mona pulled out the little notebook she always kept with her, scratching the peacock onto the paper. She looked up, after a short silence, and noticed Scaramouche watching her, a soft look on his face.

"Ah," Scaramouche cleared his throat and looked away, cheeks flushing pink. "I suppose it does look a little bit like a peacock once you draw it out."

"R-right," Mona finished, blushing. "And see that one up there? That's Viator, and that one is Viatrix. There's a little bit of lore behind it, wanna hear it?"

"Sure," Scaramouche shrugged, a smile on his face as he watched Mona briefly sketch more constellations on the small notepad. 

"Well, the story goes, is that they're two twins, who've been separated for 500 years. And one of them is trying to find the other, but is going through a marvelous journey, where they meet a lot of new and wonderful people."

"That's-" Scaramouche paused, looking sideways at Mona. "Actually really interesting."

"See? I told you." Mona said, cheeks glowing while she was doing what she loved the most. "That one right there is Tempus Fugit, which signifies time passing quickly. Usually it means someone is about to die soon," Mona wiggled her fingers spookily, a teasing smile on her face.

"Oh, I have something for you," Scaramouche said, eyes lighting up with remembrance. 

"Really?" Mona's stomach swooped slightly and the glint in his eyes. 

"It's a birthday gift for my girlfriend," His voice wavered slightly, seemingly almost nervous.

"Y-you remembered that it was my birthday?" Mona asked, head filling with soft and warm thoughts. "And- and I'm your girlfriend?"

Mona blinked twice. It was a lot to take in, all at once. 

"I mean, only if you want to be." Scaramouche said, looking at Mona with something similar to nervousness. "You don't have to say yes, of course, I was just-"

"Shh." Mona pressed a finger against his mouth, finding his rambling absolutely adorable. "Yes."

"Okay, well I have a gift for you too," Scaramouche smiled. He held out a small box and opened it, showing a small charm bracelet with a sparkling star as the charm. "Well? Do you like it?"

Without saying anything, Mona slid into Scaramouche's lap and kissed him gently on his mouth, looking through her lashes at him.

"I guess that means you like it, then." Scaramouche smirked, making Mona laugh a little. 

Slowly, they slid back down onto the picnic blanket and stared at the stars twinkling overhead, hands intertwined, how it always should have been.


yeth i know this one was shitty but i wanted to post it on mona's bday so it was rushed and i-

will probably rewrite this when it is not 10:50 pm 

and i'm desperate to play the new update and honestly i don't even know why ur reading this go play the new update


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