Klee's Unexpected Interruption || Albedo x Sucrose

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bonus for reaching 1k reads on elements of love!!

reposted here for organization hehe

"Big brother Albedo!" A cheerful voice called. Albedo jumped and looked down, spotting Klee.

"What are you doing here Klee?" He bent down and picked up the small child, stroking her hair. Albedo gave a small laugh when Klee wriggled in his arms, tugging on a stray piece of hair.

"I wanted to show you my new bombs!" Klee squealed excitedly, round face shining with joy. Albedo smiled as well. He enjoyed playing with Klee, really, but it was a bit of an inopportune moment. He was just about to finish an experiment with Sucrose, but he supposed it would be alright if Klee stayed with them for a while.

Oh, right. Klee usually had several bombs in her backpack. Carefully, Albedo set Klee back down on the ground, trying not to dislodge anything in her pack. It would be extremely bad if Klee accidentally blew up Albedo's research laboratory in Dragonspine, although it would probably be replacable.

"Isn't it better to come back after a while?" Albedo asked. "Where's Master Jean?"

"Master Jean is busy with Master Diluc," Klee pouted, and Albedo had to stifle a small laugh. Ever since Jean and Diluc had admitted their feelings for each other, Klee had been having to relocate more and more often, most of the time up to Dragonspine. "Master Jean said to come up here and find you, so Klee did!"

"Okay, Klee, but you have to stay quiet, okay?" Albedo shushed Klee gently. "Sucrose and I are doing some important work, but afterwards, we'll be able to play with you."

"Okay Albedo!" Klee sat down carefully in a chair near one of the lab rooms, smiling up at Albedo.

Walking back to the room Sucrose was in, Albedo's heart started thumping the closer he got. It was stupid of him, because Sucrose and Albedo had been open about their feelings for each other ever since they had gotten back from Liyue, which was over a month ago.

Still the sight of Sucrose made his whole brain numb, just like- well, just like now, when he walked into the lab.

"Albedo!" Sucrose called, bent over her research on stem cell growth under elemental manipulation. "I've nearly finished with imbibing the cells with anemo infusions, come take a look!"

Albedo dragged his gaze over Sucrose's face, feeling a smile growing on his face at the sight of her perky ears and pink cheeks. He could feel his own blush rising as he leaned over to kiss the tip of Sucrose's nose.

"Slight warning, Klee's here," Albedo said as he examined some of Sucrose's work. Honestly, she was turning out to be incredibly bright, some of her readings and research in Albedo's less experienced areas already surpassing his.

"Oh!" Sucrose exclaimed in surprise. "I supposed we'll just have to adapt, then." Sucrose shot a heart-warming smile up at Albedo, causing his cheeks to flush again. Stupid. Sucrose would probably think he had some sort of allergic reaction or something, and then have to examine him for research- wait, now that he thought of it, that might be kind of fun to try.

"Yes, yes of course." Albedo said, shaking himself out of his less child-appropriate thoughts. "Shall we continue with your work?"


"And I think if you finished it off with some more of that anemo infusion, your research would probably be complete." Albedo said, marking down his notes on a simple chalkboard.

"Thank you for your help!" Sucrose said eagerly, writing something down in her notebook. Improvements, Albedo supposed. He enjoyed watching Sucrose learn and grow, and he also enjoyed mentoring her.

"We should probably go check on Klee." Albedo suggested, beginning to grow worried about the small arsonist. He flashed back to the time she had ran off to Liyue and soloed the Primo Geovishap. Klee had to stay in solitary confinement for nearly a week after that. They had been working for quite awhile now. "Hopefully she hasn't blown anything-"

A loud boom sounded from the hallway, interrupting Albedo's suggestion to Sucrose. He peeked over at her and saw her laughing just a little bit at the timing, face pink.

Albedo smiled a little bit too, looking down and blushing a bit. They both hurried into the hallway, spotting Klee immediately.

"Albedo! Sucrose!" Klee hurried toward them, pigtails bouncing. "I didn't mean too, I'm sorry." Crystal tears started leaking from the corners of Klee's eyes, her little fists coming up to rub at them.

"It's alright, Klee," Sucrose kneeled down and wiped Klee's face of tears with a spare napkin. "We can always replace whatever you broke,"

"Of course, Klee." Albedo said reassuringly, petting Klee's head. "So tell us, what did you break?"

"Some glass thingy," Klee said through her sniffled. Sucrose looked to Albedo, vague concern showing on her face. "There were a bunch of glass bottles with clear stuff inside, and they were tall and squiggly,"

"Klee, you mean beakers?" Sucrose asked, a slight smile on her face.

"Maybe," Klee sniffed adorably. "I wanted to look closer but one of my bombs slipped out and fell into the gooey stuff,"

"What happened?" Albedo asked, pulling out a notebook. Sucrose looked to him with an amused smile on her face, but also a fond one.

"Well, it turned purpley, and made a big blue explosion," Klee said, mimicking the mini-mushroom cloud with her hands.

"Uh huh," Albedo murmured, making another note. This was really quite interesting. Perhaps he would have to look into what was in Klee's bombs, although he supposed her Pyro vision contributed to a large majority of the ingredients.

"Ahem," Sucrose cleared her throat lightly, shaking Albedo out of his research-based thoughts. "Do you want to come down to the alchemy store with us to buy another beaker set, Klee?"

"Okay!" Albedo had to stifle a laugh at the way Klee's emotions changed so quickly, her eyes drying of any tears that had been on her face previously. "Klee's gonna be a good girl now!"

"Alright," Albedo said reassuringly. Albedo, Sucrose, and Klee left the labratory, blinking at the shining sun beaming down on their faces. It really was a wonderful day outside.

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