Episode 1-2 Independance Day/Fireworks

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(First of all this my first story so shut up about it. And enjoy and the dragon is Ecron) 

Disclaimer: I don't own young justice blah blah but I do own Spitfire, Zeta and Blaze so there. I just want to say that I did borrow some ideas and lines from Chi_Ryuu's Little Miss Magic but only because I needed a script already done and it was the inspiration for this story.)

Episode 1 Independence Day

(No ones POV)

Blaze was lounging on the the couch stroking her pet minor dragon, Flamio while her Mentor, Infrared paced around the room muttering to himself. 

"Is it to early? Maybe she's not ready. She could get hurt. Will she be able to handle it? Can she..."  

"Red!" Blaze yelled in her native language.  

"What!" He replied. Blaze was taken back because he doesn't often yell. "Sorry," he apologized. "I'm just nervous." 

"Your nervous," She said. "I'm the one being introduced to League." 

"I know," he said. "It's just your my first protégé and I didn't really tell the league much about you."  

"Chill," she said smirking.  

"Haha very funny," he said. Technically it wasn't physically possible for him to chill. Giving the fact that his body temp was about 50* above average human temperature.  

"Heads up Hothead!" shouted a familiar voice in my native tongue. Then a flash of black and purple entered the room and ran around the sofa a few times before coming to a stop.  

"Spitfire!" Blaze yell jumping up to hug newly arrived hero.  

"Flame Face!" She yells running to her. They embraced and chatted for a while before Martin Manhunter walked in with Zeta. 

"Zeta!" They yelled and they go again. 

"...Why isn't anyone just whelmed," said a boy following Black Canary with some other people behind him.  

"Hello Blaze, Zeta, and Spitfire," she greeted us.  

"Sup Ms. B" Spitfire replied. 

"Hi," the others said.

(Blaze's POV) 

"Who are you?" A boy in a yellow suit with lighting bolts asked rudely. 

"I'm going to ignore Banana Butt over there and introduced myself," Spitfire said smirking while the other boys snickered.  

"I'm Spitfire. The one in grey is Zeta, and the one with a big lizard on her head is Blaze."  

"Jha zuku nemsai borgota di Flamio!" I yelled impatiently.  

"Say what?" asked Banana Butt. 

"My apologies," said Zeta speaking up. "She is from Komodo Island and doesn't speak English. Only Infered, Spitfire and myself can speak her tongue."  

"Shem donna jhn ta," I said holding back a grin.  

"But she can learn," Spitfire translated smirking.  

I scanned the boys. Examining my options. 'Banana Butt?' Nah. You could already tell he was just a big flirt. "He's in trouble," I thought. Guy with the yellow Robin Hood hat? Nope. Looked to grim. There was an Atlantan but he was to serious. The last guy looked about my age. He had a mask and a big 'R' on his chest. He looked like obvious choice here.

(No ones POV) 

Blaze slowly walked up to him then paused as if double checking her choice. "Looks like someone's got a crush," Spitfire whispered to Zeta before the both started giggling. "Zen!" Blaze yelled turning around and stopping the snickering. Then she turned back to Robin and waited a sec before quickly leaning in and kissing him. Robin looked shocked and became as stiff as a board. Then she pulled away and laughed when she saw his reaction.  

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