Pink hair

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Danella's prov.
"Caramel do you want to follow Zoe with me" I say confinant. "Um how about no" Caramel says sitting down next to Mary. I walk out the door quietly. I see her. I stay to where she can't see me. She goes into a alley while looking behind her. I go to the entrance of the alley. She makes a portal. My mouth drops. She walks threw the portal than looks behind her. Oh god she saw me. She teleports me. "*giggles* hello" I say nervous. "You saw that didn't you" she says with a look. "Oh the portal thing nooo oh wait I just admited to it" I say nervous as heck. I giggle nervously. "If you don't tell anyone *sigh* I will explain" Zoe says disapointed in her self. "Really then explain" I say excited with a smile. "We need to go some where else first" Zoe says not excited. Camelot. "Wow it's a flying castle in the air" I say scared well because I'm deathly scared of heights. "Yep haven't been here in 9 centries but I kmow where it is because Krel spends most of his time here" Zoe says pulling me in side. After Zoe's explaining. I scream of excitedness. "Reallly um how'd you even start with magic and your like 925 YEARS OLD" I say sounding crazy. "You can't tell anyone" Zoe says opening up a portal. "Your staying here I have to try and help with the titian situation" Zoe says with a hand on her face. "But I can help some how" I say strongly. "Oh no no unless you want to research or something ask Krel thats the only thing I'm allowing you to do GOT IT" Zoe says scary. Yep her scary demanding voice that makes you too scared not to break them. I nod my head yes.

Zoe's prov
I open a portal then go. I check if shes still there. She is. I close it. I am in Brazil now nice fresh air ugh. Now I have to find him.

Claire's prov.
Ugh I can't still make portals. "Ugh just open up stupid thing" I say as I start pushing on the cell door. It opens. "I look stupid" I say. I go to everyone else and open there door. I found Jim which was a relief. "Okay so help me what in the world happened to Douxie" a boy with brown hair and blue eyes say. "Oh this is Atlas everyone please intrduce their selves" Akira says scary. "Um I'm J-" Jim starts saying as Steve interupts him. "Steve of Palchuckia" Steve says like he usually does. "Jim" Jim says. "I'm Claire" I say. "You already know me but if you forgot my name some how its Nari" Nari says annoyed. "Thank you for introducing yourselves but Douxie" Atlas says worried. "Well uf your look behind them there is a hole so the titians are out" Akira says. "This is... bad the last time the titians araised we barely stopped them I mean Nari was yechnally dead wait how is she alive" Jim say with hope. "Someone did it I could not see except they had pink hair"

Writer here\
But who was the pink hairde person.
So you think its a new person or is it a person we've shown.
Btw if the ones the have not been described you just have to guess.
If you thinks someone its shown put there name in the commets.
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Bye byeee

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