dumb shit

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So Otto was robbing a bank and he saw this one guard who just looked at him different than the rest of them. "Hey you STOP!  " you yell as you pointed a gun at the man. "Why hello missy" he said as  he picked you up with one of his robotic tentacles. "Missy?" You say confused. "What's the matter you don't like it when I call you that?" He asked with a smirk on his face. You blush and try to look away but you can't cause you're suspended in the air by him. "I-i don't mind at all" you say flustered. "Hey I've got an idea why don't we get out of here". Otto said  before you could say ba word he took off with you. You felt like passing out from the blood rushing to your head. Everything went fuzzy and dark. A few hours later you wake up to hear banging sounds. You freak out because you're not in your bed and you've never seen this place before in your life. You get up and creep into the other room peeking behind a door frame. You see your kidnapper building some sort of machine.  You run up behind him and hug him.  The tentacles freaked out and picked you up. Otto let out a startled Yelp. He stares at you as you dangle in front of him. "uh hi Dr. Octavious" you say with a smile. "Well w-what do you want?" He asked while trying not to stare at her tits.  He puts you down and allows you to hug him from the front. "so uh what's your name dearie?" He asked. "oh it's y/n l/n" you reply. "lovely... Do you know anything about engineering and physics?" He asked.  "Yes actually!" you respond enthusiastically. "Oh good I could use some help with my little project here. " He said. The doctor proceeded to explain the machine to you and his goal. "Wow I'd be happy to help you doc" you say to him. You know if you help him you two may form a type of bond. While you were working you Tripped and he caught you. You both looked into each other's eyes and giggled. You gave him a seductive look and he blushed. "Are you alright?" He asked. "yeah" you reply. "are you alright with this?" You ask as you kiss him. He kissed back. "yes" he said as he ran his hand through your hair. "Forget sex let's go commit crime!" You yell as you break away from the kiss. "sounds good I'll get my stuff" Otto said as he ran off.
While they were wandering around the city they found a clothes shop. You saw a really cool outfit you had to have. You told Otto and showed him. "y/n that thing is 900 dollars." He said. So they decided to steal it. While Otto held up the cashier you grabbed the outfit and a bunch of other things. "Otto honey let the nice cashier go so he can get us an audience." You tell him as you both make out. The two of you wandered around town you both decided to walk to a park. "I had a wonderful day with you y/n" Otto said. "Yeah so uh can I stay with you my old life is so boring. I feel as though I'm meant to be witg you" you tell him. "I do too" he replies. He hugs you with all 6 of his arms. You go back to the place to continue working on your machine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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