Chapter 19: Final Tour Performance

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Sora was back in Tokai, after the previous concert in Hiroshima, which got a lot of attention.

"We are back in Tokai Mr. Nakano." One of the crew members said. Sora slowly opened his eyes. "Good, drop me off at my apartment. Here is the address." Sora said giving his address to the driver.

30 minutes passed and Sora was in front of his apartment. 'I'm back. I just have to prepare for the final performance and everything will be alright.' Sora thought to himself.

He unlocked the door and entered his apartment. "Moshi-moshi! I'm home!" Sora yelled. He got no reply. Sora sighed and went to his room and out his stuff in there, as well as the presents he got.

He grabbed the presents for his sisters, Aiko, Olivia, Haruki, Fuutarou and Raiha and went to the apartment of his sisters. He brought the presents just in case Olivia, Haruki, Fuutarou, Raiha and Aiko were there.

Nakano Residence

Aiko, Haruki, Olivia and Raiha were watching tv as Fuutarou was making his homework. The Quintuplets were in their room.

*Knock knock knock*

"Raiha, could you open the door." Fuutarou said. "On it Onii-chan!" Raiha said. She walked to the front door and opened it. She saw Sora standing there.

"SORA-NII!" Raiha yelled as she hugged Sora. "Hey Raiha-chan, good to see you too. It's been too long." Sora said patting Raiha's head.

"Oh hey Sora-kun." Fuutarou said. "Hello Fuutarou-kun, it's been a while huh." Sora said. "Did my sisters behave?" He asked.

"Yes they have, they did miss you though, they are in their rooms now. I'm not sure if Raiha's yelling make it to their rooms." Fuutarou chuckled. "Well, are Aiko, Olivia-san and Haruki-san here?" Sora asked. Fuutarou nodded.

Sora, Fuutarou and Raiha walked into the living room. "Hey Aiko!" Sora said. Aiko looked up and ran to Sora. "Boo! How are you?" Aiko said while hugging him.

"I'm good. Hey Olivia-san, Haruki-san." Sora said. Olivia and Haruki greeted him too. Sora then walked towards the stairs.


"3... 2... 1." Sora counted and on cue, the doors swung open and the Quints ran downstairs. "Onii-chan!" Miku said as she jumped him. "Brother!" Itsuki said as she followed Miku's action. Yotsuba, Nino and Ichika did the same.

"Alright. I-I can't b-breathe!" Sora said and his sisters got off him. "That's better. All five of you on top of me is heavy, damn." Sora said as the girls pouted.

"Now, you all sit down on the couch. I have something for all of you." Sora said. They obeyed and sat down on the couches.

"Alright. Let's start with Haruki-san. Here is your present." Sora said as he gave a small box wrapped up to Haruki. She got rid of the wrap and saw a small box. She opened it and saw a beautiful necklace. She immediately put it on.

"Thanks Sora-kun." Haruki said. "It's nothing. Now for Olivia, here you go." Sora said as he handed her a wrapped present.

She opened it and saw a new phone case. She immediately got rid of her old phone case which was all broken and scratched.

"I love it. Thanks Sora." Olivia said. "Now Fuutarou-kun, I give you this, not sure if it's going to help you, but I thought I'd buy it for you." Sora said with a chuckle. Fuutarou opened it and saw a new set of flashcards.

"New flashcards! Thanks Sora-kun." Fuutarou said and Sora chuckled. "Now for Raiha-chan, come here." Sora said and Raiha walked up to him.

Sora handed her the present. She opened it and her eyes widened. "Thanks Sora-nii!" Raiha said. He patted her head. "Knew it'd make you happy." Sora said as he chuckled.

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