Chapter 20 (FINAL)

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Me and Luke have been really close lately.
But then again, I still have Gerard.
I can't choose between two guys! I don't wanna be in a stupid love triangle! I never even wanted to fall in love...

-/-/-/-/Gerards POV-/-/-/-/
I haven't seen Ashton in weeks, maybe months at the most. She's been hanging out with this random dude named 'Luke Hemmings.'
I don't get it.
I thought she liked me.
I knew her first!
I won't let that bastard get her.
I should have her!
I need to have a 'talk' with this Luke Hemmings guy.
I don't see what she sees in him!
He's just another douche bag waiting to break her heart.
Nothing more,
Nothing less.
-/-/-/-/Ashton's POV-/-/-/-/
"Hey Luke?" I called.
"Yeah?" Luke answered.
"I'm gonna be right back I gotta call someone. Is that okay?" I tell him
"Yeah totally! Go ahead." He said.

I walked out onto the balcony. The view was beautiful.

I was worried.
About Gerard.
So I decided to call him and see how he was.
"Hello?" A voice answered. Gee!
"Hey! It's me Ashton."
"Ashton?! Oh my god! How are you?! How is it like?!"
"Calm down Gee! Yeah. It's me. I'm doing pretty good actually. And it is AMAZING!" I tell him.
"Awesome! So um... Why'd you call?"
"I um, just wanted to check on you. I mean, we haven't seen each other in forever so I thought I'd give you a call."
"Oh. Okay. So, I Uh have a question..."
Oh fuck. It's about Luke. Damnit!
"Who's Luke." He didn't ask. He demanded. He was upset. I could tell.
"He's um, a friend. I swear. Nothing more. I met him a few years ago." I explain.
"Oh.. listen uh, I gotta go. I'll call you later okay?"
"I- o-okay..."
I wish none of this shit happened.
I want Gerard.
But I wand Luke too.
Why do boys make it so hard?!
I wish my problems would go away.
I want to be on my own.
Not trapped.
"Hey Ashton... Some lady's at the door." I heard Luke Say to me.
"Okay." I tell him.
I walked over to the door and opened it.
What the fuck?!
"WHAT THE FU-" I was scared. She grabbed me. It was mom.
It can't be!
"Help!" I tried to scream but it came out as muffled words.
Fuck! I can't get away!
"LUKE!" I managed to scream out. He popped his head out the door and saw what mom was doing. He rushed over, but then I blacked out.
"You're on your own now, sweetie." I heard a voice say.
"I'm On My Own..." I repeated.
HEY! I'm sorry for not updating in forever. But this is the final chapter! I haven't decided if I wanted to make a second one, continuing this story, or leave it as this. You decide. Anyways, don't forget to vote and comment! Stay rad bookworms! ~Anna

I'm On My Own {A Green Day FanFic} COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now