Monster (Dark!Canada)

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     Canada ran away from the group of countries gathered in America's front room. No, please, he can't come out now, not when I'm around my friends. He clutched his shirt over is heart and ignored the concerned cries of his family and friends. He ran down to the basement and grabbed as many handcuffs as he could find. He chained his hands behind him, wrapping them around a pole and made sure that nothing he could use to pick the locks was around him. 

     He pulled his legs to his chest and put his forehead on his knees. "Please let him go away. Don't let him come out." He felt himself falling into the black and tried to resist the consuming insanity. He jerked as it tried to take control. An evil chuckle bubbled from his throat. "You should know saying please won't keep me away." An insane voice sounded from Canada's mouth. "Please, go away."

      He heard the door open and jerked his head up to see England, France, America, and Prussia standing in the doorway. He saw the other countries gathered behind them. "Dude, Canada, what's going on?" "Ja, vunning avay vas so not awesome meine birdie." "Mon Matthieu, what's wrong?" Yes, is anything the matter?"

     Canada looked at them tears streaming down his face. "Go away. You need to leave. Get everyone out and go to someone else's house, but don't tell me who's-" He caved in on himself and bellowed in rage. He felt himself straining on the cuffs and tried to fight against it. "NOW! LEAVE!" He yelled at them.

     He clawed at his wrist, scrunching his eyes closed. tsk, tsk. Are you trying to take away my new toys? "Go away." Canada growled under his breath. Suddenly he screamed in a mixture of fear, rage, and pain and went limp. Everyone was still on the stairs staring at the normally quiet country in shock. 

     The they heard a maniacal laugh come from Canada as he slowly rose. His usually violet eyes were now red. Not like Prussia's, but red like freshly spilled blood. He looked up at them and his head lolled to the side. Loud, crazed laughter filled the room, sending shivers down every ones spines.

     He yanked hi arms apart, easily snapping the cuffs. He walked forward unsteadily. He looked up at them and reached into a box he knew housed many of America's weapons, including his favorite, an assault rifle. He chuckled insanely as he put the strap over his shoulder. "You should have listened to him and left when you had the chance." He smiled and started walking forward slowly. As he reached the base of the stair he grabbed a broom.

     He walked up the stairs and reached the top. He stood in front of the countries, a crazed look in his eyes, an insane smile playing across his lips. "C-Canada? Dude? W-What's going on?" He turned to look at America. "Oh, my big brother. Who never remembers me. You see, I'm the dark side of Canada, all of his anger and hate and his bloody thoughts are in me. And now I have control of this body." He smirked evilly. "And now, you die." In one swift movement he flipped America over his shoulder, coked the rifle, and shot him.

     He looked back at the other countries, fear etched into their every feature. He closed his eyes and smiled child like, blood splattered across his shirt. "Who wants to play next, eh?"

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