Chp 3

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      One hour later Canada awoke screaming in terror, scaring everyone in the room. He looked around wildly and spoke in frantic french.

      "Va-t'en! Laisse-le! Vous ne pouvez pas blesser quelqu'un d'autre! S'il vous plaît laissez-moi tranquille! Laissez-moi tranquille! Je vais vous envoyer en enfer si vous revenez!" Prussia ran over to him and placed his hands on Canada's shoulders. 

      "Canada! Are joo alvight mien birdie?" Canada looked at him tears flowing from his amazing violet eyes that instantly calmed Prussia. He grabbed a pocket knife from his boot and cut the ropes around Canada. As soon as he was free Canada flung himself at Prussia, his hands clinging to the fabric of his shirt for dear life. He sobbed into his shoulder as Prussia held him close. France came over and wrapped both of them in his arms. 

     "I-I'm s-so s-sorry papa. I-I d-din't th-i-ink that h-he would c-come o-out t-toni-ight." He stopped to hiccup and wiped his eyes with his sleeve.

      "Vat do joo mean Canada?" Germany stood in front of them, his face as serious as ever. "I sink joo better explain everysing to us." Canada nodded and tried to stand, but his legs were shaking badly. Prussia crouched in front of him, his back facing the Canadian. 

      "I'll give joo a piggy-back vide downstairs so joo can explain." Canada nodded and climbed into his back. Prussia rose and followed behind everyone else.

     "P-Prussia?" He felt Canada's breath against his ear and bushed back a blush. 

     "Ja?" He heard Canada sniff.

     "I'm sorry. I scared you. I almost killed you. I-m s-so s-sorry." His sniffles started up again and he placed his head on Prussia's shoulder.

     "It's okay. It's true joo vere terrifyink in zat...state, but I vasn't afraid of joo killink me." Canada sniffled.

     "Eh?" Prussia stopped and shifted so Canada was more comfortable on his back, then continued walking. 

     "I vas afraid zat ze Canada I know vouldn't come back und zat joo vould stay like zat forever. I vas afraid of losink joo." Canada sniffed again.

     "R-Really?" He placed his chin on Prussia's shoulder. Prussia stopped just outside the door to the front room and gently kissed Canada on the cheek. 

      "Ja, veally." He pushed open the door and set Canada down on the couch then took the seat next to him. 

     "So, what 'appened Matthieu?" Canada took a deep breath and started to explain.

     "That was the, well, the monster me, the dark me. The first time he came out was when I became my own country and moved into my own house. The only way I know how to stop him is to kill myself." America stood up, his face pale as he looked at his younger brother.

     "Canada, how many times have you had to kill yourself?" Canada looked down at his lap and muttered something under his breath. America sighed and looked at Canada sternly. "Dude, I know you're quiet, but not even a mouse could hear that." Canada looked up then his eyes darted back to the ground ashamed.

     "I lost track somewhere around seven hundred."  

     Everyone stared at Canada in shock. "M-Matthieu, why didn't you tell anyone?" Canada looked back at his lap, wringing his hands. "I-I didn't see why I needed to. I can usually tell days in advance when I'm going to snap, but, for some reason this time I couldn't until it was to late." Everyone was quiet so he went on with his explanation. "I saw what he-was doing to everyone. I hated it. Seeing how much I scared all of my friends, the evil and horrible things I did. I wanted it to stop, which is why I asked Prussia to shoot me, but I think that he's might finally be gone. For good this time."

     England looked at him. "What makes you say that?" Canada smiled smally and sat up a bit straighter. "Well, when Prussia shot me I guess you could say I fought him inside of myself, and I won. He seemed to disappear and I felt a weight leave my soul, like I finally got rid of him." The other countries nodded slowly, still trying to take in everything that had happened.

     Canada's eyes got sad and he looked back at his lap. "I'm so so so sorry for everything that I did. I would understand if you hated me and never wanted to speak to me again. What I did was horrible and inexcusable, even if I wasn't myself. I'm so sorry." He glanced up, sadness and regret apparent in his eyes.

     Liechtenstein cam over and wrapped her arms around Canada in a small hug. "It's okay. I forgive you. I'm sure big bruder does to." Switzerland nodded and a chorus of kind words came from around the room. Canada smiled and looked at Prussia. "I'm sorry I made you shoot me." Prussia smirked and leaned back, placing his feet on the coffee table. "It vas totally un-awesome of joo, makink me kill joo, but it's awesome zat joor back to joor normal awesome self." 

      Canada smiled and England stood, wiping off his pants. "Well, I think we've all learned something today." China nodded his head furiously. "Yeah! Canada is scary aru~!" Many of the countries nodded. "Ve~I-a learned that spoons can be-a very dangerous!" Romano nodded fearfully and Spain wrapped his arm around him. England looked at them exasperated. "That's not quite what I meant..."

     Everyone went off on their own after that, being worn down from the evening. Canada stayed seated on the couch, making small talk with Prussia. "Vell birdie, did joo learn anysink?" Canada nodded, a light blush on his face. "Vell? Vat did joo learn?" America came over and sat on the other side of Canada. "Yeah bro! What did you learn?" Canada's blush darkened and he looked at his hands. "I learned that Prussia loves me." Prussia's face turned red and America laughed.

      "Dude! Germany! I think you and me'll be related soon bro!" Germany looked up from the book he had been reading, absent mindedly ruffling Italy's hair. "Vas?" He glanced at the blushing Canadian and Prussian and sighed. "I guess I better get used to joo zen." Prussia's face got a shade darker while Canada was blushing so much he was sure he was purple. Prussia snickered when he saw Canada's face and he leaned over, kissing him on the cheek. Canada laid his head on Prussia's shoulder and whispered in his ear. "I love you." Prussia smiled and wrapped his arm around Canada.

     Unknown to everyone in the room, was that for a split second, Canada's eyes flashed blood red. He wasn't gone, he was just hiding, waiting for the opportune moment to strike.


...Not quite sure where that ending came from. Originally it was supposed to end a lot must be all the romantic nice music playing on the radio right now...oh well!! What's done is done!! Tell me what you think about this!! ^.^ and please check out my other stories and tell me what you think of them as well! Peace. loves and destruction to you all!!


Va-t'en! Laisse-le! Vous ne pouvez pas blesser quelqu'un d'autre! S'il vous plaît laissez-moi tranquille! Laissez-moi tranquille! Je vais vous envoyer en enfer si vous revenez! = Begone! Leave him alone! You can not hurt someone else! Please leave me alone! Leave me alone! I'll send you to hell if you come back!

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