Chp 4

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     Canada got out of bed and stretched, yawning. He grabbed his glasses from his night stand and slipped them on. As his eyes focused he stared in fright at the sight in front of him. His room was covered in red. It was seeping from the ceiling and slowly cascading down his white walls. He ran to the bathroom feeling sick and covered his mouth to stifle his scream as he saw himself in the mirror. His clothes, face hair, skin, everywhere he could see was splattered with the same red as his bedroom. He placed his hands on his face, trying to wipe the red from his face. As he ran his hand over his cheek, more red smeared on his skin. He stared down at his hands in horror. He looked back at his face in the mirror and saw HIM there instead.

     His face was twisted in an insane smile, his bloody eyes glistening with malice. He chuckled darkly and spread his arms, motioning to what was around Canada. "Look. All of this, is your doing." He disappeared and Canada turned around to see the bloodied bodies of his friends and family. He saw Sweden lying motionless in front of a beheaded Finland and a torn up Sealand. He gagged as he looked at the mass of ruined bodies that lay before him.

     He felt his blood run cold as he saw Prussia's body, his heart ripped out of his chest, a look of pure fear on his face. Canada felt something in his hands and looked down. In his fist was a heart, still pulsing. Canada let out a scream of pure fear and dropped the heart. He back away from the bodies shaking and covering his hears, trying to block out the voices ringing in his ears.

     You did this, How could you? You lied. Traitor. Traitor. Die. Die. Die. DIE!

     Canada stumbled over something and landed flat on his back.  He looked at what he tripped over and saw Kumajiro looking at him with sleepy eyes. "What's the matter with you mister? You woke me up from my nap."  Canada blinked in surprise and looked around his room. There was no red seeping from the ceiling, his clothes were clean, and there were no dead bodies anywhere. The only odd thing was that the room was upside down. He realized that he was tangled in his blanket and had simply fallen out of bed. He sighed in relief and covered his eyes with his arm. 'It was just a dream...he's gone...isn't he?'


Well? What do you think? I'm thinking of maybe continuing this story beyond the 3 chapters I have already, and this is kind of the test chapter of sorts. Leave comments telling me what you think, how I can improve my writing, suggestions as to what should happen next, if I should continues, and so on. So, peace, loves, and destruction to all. ^.^ Have a glorious day.

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