chp 2

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     Canada skipped down the long hallway and licked the blood of his fingers, clutching his new weapon, a lead pipe. He hummed a nursery rhyme while looking for his next victim. He had already killed England, Japan, America, and Russia. Along with the Vargas twins, Germany, and the Baltic Trio.

     "Come out, come out where ever you are~." He walked to a door and turned the knob to find it locked. He laughed coldly and took a step back, then kicked down the door with ease. "Pathetic." He stepped inside and saw Hungary, Belarus, Ukraine and the other girls all huddled in a group. When Belarus saw the lead pipe in his hand she choked back a sob and buried her face in Ukraine's shoulder. He stepped towards them smiling. "We're going to have lots of fun, eh?"

     He swung his arm and hit Vietnam on the side of the head with the pipe, causing a loud crack to echo throughout the room. He pulled out the knife he had taken from Italy and stabbed Hungary in the stomach, causing her blood to spill onto the front of his shirt. He eventually took out all of them, saving little Liechtenstein for last.. He stepped out of the room and searched for his next victim. 

     He saw Japan and China looking around a corner, their backs to him. He slowly walked up behind them and swung the pipe down hard against Japan's skull, causing him to crumple to the ground as his blood flew against China's face. Before China could turn around Canada shot him with a hand gun 'borrowed' from Germany.

     He stepped over their lifeless bodies and continued down the hallway. He opened a door at random and came across Spain, Prussia, and France. He smiled at the fear on their faces. "Hello. Why, isn't this sweet? The three who had lived their live together, will now die together." He smiled sweetly and pulled out two hand guns, simoultanioiusly shooting Spain and France, their blood splattering the floor and Prussia.

     Prussia stared at him, fear in his eyes as Canada raised the lead pipe. He swung downwards, but before it hit Prussia it veered to the side and hit the floor, causing it to crack. "What the hell?" His eyes flashed and his face contorted in rage as his hands dropped the pipe and went for his throat. "You can't kill anyone else!" His normal voice rang through the silent room as his legs gave out and he kneeled on the ground, his hands around his own neck.

     "Go...away..." He growledand his hands started to move away from his throat. "You've had control of this body to long. I will kill everyone you love. I'm in control of this body now." His hands went back to his neck, stronger this time. His nails dug into his windpipe. He heard footsteps coming up behind him. "Prussia, are you like-" the steps stopped. Canada glanced behind him and saw Sweden, Poland, Switzerland, and Netherlands. he looked at Sweden, his eyes a mixture of deep violet and blood red. "Sweden...hold me ba-" He doubled over. "Stay away!! all of you!! this boddy is MINE!!

     His neck had started to bleed from where he was digging his nails into his skin. He turned to Prussia, a pleading look on his face before it turned to rage. In that moment Sweden had grabbed his arms and held them behind his back. He bellowed in rage and thrashed around trying to break free. "LET ME GO!! YOU BASTARD!!" Sweden kept his grip and motioned for Switzerland, Poland and Netherlands to help him. "Canada, how do ve stop him?" 

     Prussia walked over slowly until he was crouching infront of Canada. "Meine birdie." Canada looked up at him, tears in his eyes. "you have to kill me." Everyone looked at him in shock. "When he takes control you have to kill me." Prussia shook hi head. "I can't." Canada growled and curled in on himself. he looked up towards Prussia, the red seeping back into his irises. "I'm immortal, i can't die, none of us can. Please." He roared in rage and swore in his crazed voice. 

     America and England ran into the room healed. They saw Canada on the ground having a battle within himself. He looked at England, his eyes barely purple. "England. Please. Kill me." He closed his eyes in pain and thrashed, trying to throw them off. "Don't come any closer! I'll kill you all!" He continued fighting his captors as England walked over to Prussia. He handed him a gun he had found and cocked it for him. He closed Prussia's fingers around the halt. "England, I-I can't-" England sighed and put his hand on Prussia's shoulder.

     "I know git. I don't like it either, but he asked. If you truly love him you'll do it." Prussia looked around at everyone in they room and they all nodded. He stood up shakily, holding back tears as he the gun at the man he never had the courage to show his true feelings for. "Ich leibe dich meine birdie." he pulled the trigger and the bang echoed throughout the large house. Canada went limp and they gently set him down on the ground. Prussia sank to his knees and placed his head in his hands, holding back thew tears that threatened to overflow.

      The other countries walked into the room and looked at the sight before them. Prussia was kneeling on the floor shaking, a gun near him, and Canada's lifeless form near him. America walked forward and kneeled on the ground next to Canada. He lifted his brothers head from the floor and placed it on his lap, brushing away some stray hairs from his forehead. "Dudes, what if he wakes up and is still  that, What then?" 

      Poland shrugged. "Then I guess we have to like, kill him again." Sweden stepped forward. "M'ybe we should tie h'm to a chair, 'ncase he wakes up 'nd is still insane." Some of them nodded, others were still in shock from this bloodthirsty side of the normally kind Canadian they had seen. America lifted him up and placed him on a chair England had pulled out. Sweden wrapped the rope around him and tied it tightly. They all sat around the room, waiting for him to wake up. 

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