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The Romance Results are here!

1st Position goes to:
Cherry Skies by

2nd Position goes to:

3rd Position goes to:
Second Chance by


Congratulations to all the winners! Please PM your discord or email ID to me, Calista_Evangeline to collect your stickers.

Thank you so much to all the judges Bibliophile005, TessaIsDumb, _Dawn_15, ghostiemalone for taking the time to judge!

To all the other participants, please don't be disheartened if you didn't win. All of you are very talented and your time will come too. You just have to keep on working hard and not give up! To appreciate your hard work, we're also giving participant stickers. You can go to the 'STICKERS' chapter to know how to collect it.


Now, here are the reviews of all the books entered in the romance genre in no particular order:

Book Name: Second Chance
Author: covergirlxox
Title: 4/5
Cover: 3.5/5
Blurb: 5/5
Plot: 13/15
Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary: 12/15
Character Development: 15/15
Flow: 15/15
Writing Style: 13.5/15
Enjoyment: 10/10
Total: 91/100
The title of the story fits the plot but it could be more catchy. The picture in the cover matches the theme and the overall cover looks good but it doesn't particularly stand out. I'd recommend using a different font for the writing on the cover.
The blurb gives a good idea of what the story is about while not giving away too much. It's well done but you could always polish it more later.
The cute teen romance plot is adorable. It's not the most original plotline but the characters of the story bring out a different, better version of the popular guy nerdy girl trope. I love how Kyle is actually a nice guy and how he treats Alyssa with respect. He's kind and gentle and caring. In the swarm of cocky and arrogant bad boys, his character is like a fresh breath of air. Alyssa's character is quite relatable. She has a crush on a guy, she's over the moon when the guy likes her back and is disappointed with the thought of him leaving. She feels very real and like an actual teenager. I feel like Vicky's character could use some more work. Her character doesn't seem to have much depth in the first five chapters and I hope she gets some more insight in the later chapters.
The grammar and punctuation needs a lot of work. There are several missing full stops and commas all over the book. I would advise you to run the text through some word processing software like MS Word to help with the editing.
The flow of narration was smooth and the language easy to read. The writing style was good but it could use more nuance. I enjoyed reading the book and could see myself going back to finish it.


Book Name: Remembering Him
Author: Stelle_Moon
Title: 4/5
Cover: 4/5
Blurb: 3/5
Plot: 12/15
Grammar/Spelling/Vocabulary: 11/15
Character Development: 12/15
Flow: 15/15
Writing Style: 12/15
Enjoyment: 7/10
Total: 80/100
The title of the story seems very plain. It needs to sound catchy in order to capture a reader's attention. I like the picture of the cover very much but the font doesn't fit well with it. Using a different one might look better.
A major issue with the book is that there's more of Tell vs Show. To explain it better, Tell means the characters or the narrator is just telling the reader what is happening or what the characters are feeling instead of Showing them. For example, telling is "The road was scary" while telling is "The pitch black night was illuminated only by the moon. The road was deserted as far as eyes could see. Forests surrounded either side of the path; the giant trees branching into an arch high above the ground. The cool wind rushed past the canopies. The leaves rustled eliciting a chilling sound." By showing, we paint a picture for the reader so they can imagine the scene or what the characters are feeling.
The characters don't seem to have much depth to them yet. Even while describing the characters, there's a lot more Tell than Show. I would suggest slowly introducing the characters and reflect their personality by the way they talk and behave instead of telling the readers how they are.
Regarding the grammatical aspect of the writing, there were several missing punctuation marks all over the book and tense shifts in a few places. I would advise you to do a thorough reread to fix the punctuation errors.
The book has a lot of potential to become something good. I'm eager to see how the story progresses.

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