13. Dangling from people's ceilings is inappropriate!

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"Zura! What in the world are you doing here!?", You stared at the wanted man cramped inside the small cabinet with a tawdry beard hanging from his face. If Hijikata returned to his room now, there would be an all out war.

"If I don't keep a check on my enemies, then my plan to overthrow the bakufu will never be realised [name]!"

"What do you even mean Kotaro..."

He smirked to himself as if he was mocking your lesser intelligence for not being able to understand the purport of his actions.

"[name] actually.."


"[name] that is..."

"What is it?'

"...Can you get me out of here?"

You sighed at his antics but still complied. You did not want your friend to get thrown in prison after all.

'Why do I know so many criminals?'

Once he was out, he dusted his clothes and smoothed out his frizzled hair,looking around furtively and then at you.

"Don't be worried [name]! They won't know it is me. After all I'm perfectly disguised.". he tried to reassure you with a vivacious smirk.

"You're only wearing a beard Zura. I could tell right away that it was you, see?"

"What---How could you tell! That is impossible."

"Why are you only realising that now...", You clamped your hand to your forehead and sighed. This was the worst thing that could happen to you today. Now you had to be on alert so that none of the Shinsengumi officers might come across him.

"Kotaro! Don't tell me that you are here to rig this place with a bomb!"

"Nonsense! I don't resort to such paltry methods [name]. I'm here to switch all of their shampoos into hair-dyes. They will never have the guts to walk out in public again!"

'Are you a terrorist or a prankster?'

"But [name]...What are you doing here? In a man's room when he isn't present inside."

"I...Actually I have to find something. I made a bet and now I have to follow through.", You say as you cup your hand beside your mouth gently and he listens with his full attention.

"So that is how it is...But do not worry [name]. After all I am here!"

"That is what worries me Zura."

"Zura ja nai! Katsura da! I can help you look for it if you want."

You regarded this idea. It might not be bad if Katsura, a crafty criminal, were to help you out, time was not exactly abundant to spare.

"Then, tell me. If you were to hide something incredibly precious to you somewhere in your room, where would it be?"

He put his palm upto his chin and closed his eyes pensively. You looked expectantly at him for an answer.

"Well mostly, I'll conceal it in a place where people cannot easily tell. Mostly a place where others can see but will easily overlook.", He gazed at the wooden paneling on the ceiling and you gasped excitedly.

"That sounds accurate! Those wooden panels...I think one of them can be moved.", You set your eyes fixedly on the small square panel atop your head and then at Katsura who was following you closely.

"Help me out here.", You motioned for him to come closer so that you could hop onto his shoulder and reach for the panel, since your height was lamentable as it was.

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