It's a Promise (Chapter 31- 32)

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The letter appeared some four days later addressed in scrolling script that had a bit of a flourish to it: To the High Lord of the Night Court .

I read the letter straight away. Tarquin kept his correspondence brief and to the point, but it was friendly. Welcoming.


Winnowing, I found Amren in her study bent over some papers. I tossed Tarquin's letter on top of the stack, disturbing her work. She tensed, and then spotted the signature. "We leave tomorrow." She arched a brow at me. "Yes, we. I need you to come to Adriata with Feyre and I."

Amren leaned back in her chair, not bothering with the letter. The Summer Court wasn't really her aesthetic, but Amren scared the shit out of everyone in that court several times over and her powers would be invaluable keeping Feyre and I safe while we stayed.

Not to mention what getting the book into Amren's hands would mean if the rumors I'd heard circulating were true.

But that part could wait until we had the book and could know for certain.

"And I suppose I don't have a choice in the matter, Rhysand?" She studied me carefully. I must have sounded more hard set than I felt. I nodded. "Very well. I will go with you to visit Tarquin - on one request."

"Name it."

She fingered the thin metal chain dangling around her neck. "I want a ruby before we leave. A large fat one." The chain curled around her pinkie finger and could have broken for how it twisted when she curled that small digit inward. Only Amren could make delicate jewelry look like a weapon.

I snickered. "Whatever you want, Amren." Her eyes glowed with a not so subtle greed right before I left.

I sent Amren ahead of me to round up the rest of the inner circle so I could fill them in on the plans for our time in Adriata. In the meantime, I wrote Tarquin a swift reply informing him our party would arrive the following afternoon. And then I sat in my own study and tried not to brood too long over the last time I'd seen Tarquin Under the Mountain, when I'd held his blood's heart in my hands and crushed the life force from it to keep his secrets from an evil queen's hands.

His mind had been scared. I'd had to calm and distract it like I had Claire, and coordinate the words and shudders coming from his body - a puppet on the strings. All so Amarantha wouldn't suspect the truth. Killing him had been a mercy. Tarquin knew it and undoubtedly remembered, but...

It had still taken a good long while for his invitation to arrive.

Whatever Tarquin sought to get out of our meeting, there was still a good degree of distrust to be handled.

Smart High Lord.

Despite his youth, Tarquin's mind was sharp, even with the million different hands Azriel informed me that were seeking to mold it to their will each day. Tarquin wanted to free lesser faeries, make them equals with the rest of us. The Illyrian in me heard and responded to that call. I'd fought for that change my entire life to little success because of the mask I had to wear to keep my court safe.

But Tarquin was making it work. Somehow. I sincerely hoped Feyre got that half of the Book without fuss. Tarquin was maybe one of the few allies I actually stood a chance of making in this damned world, and I... did not want to lose that chance with him.

I ran a hand through my hair and tore myself out of my study.

No matter what, my court came first, and I had to remain vigilent.

Walking out into the sunlight above the House, everyone but Azriel was present. Feyre had a pair of fighting knives dropped at her feet where she stood in front of Cassian, Mor chiding from the sidelines. Amren looked ready to doze off in her chair and I wondered if she'd told them anything at all.

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