Chapter 2: The Past

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So I know it's been like 5 years on this one, but I'm starting up the re-written version again, but don't worry I'm gonna keep updating the story on the main story, I just want to restart some of the earlier chapters so I thought it would be easier to do on this version :) 

I'll eventually merge the chapters with the new ones and try and re-write those as I go along too to make each chapter longer :)

Also I'm going to keep this version in the third person instead of POVs like in the original version.

Anyway with that, here's the chapter!


"Why did you wanna come here in the first place?" Jesse asked Jaden. 

"Well... you see... I have a little sister"

Chapter 2:

"YOU WHAT?!" Jesse looked at Jaden stunned, his mouth hanged down in shock, eyes wide open. He blinked furiously as if he was making sure what he just heard was real. "Man who knew, the mighty Jaden Yuki has a little sister? Shocking to say the least, but what's the problem with that? Why did ya be so quiet about it, surely it's nothing to be secretive about?" Jesse questioned as his curiosity peaked coming down from the shock. 

"I guess I just didn't feel like saying anything about her... she..." Jaden looked up at Jesse, as he tried to find the words to explain. "Well..." Jaden took a deep breathe, "I should tell somebody anyway." He then looked out into the ocean as he recalled his past. "My sister and I were great friends... we always played together..."


"And that brings both our life points to zero!" A young Jaden Yuki giggled, with a younger girl sitting in front of him giggling along with him. Jaden and her looked almost identical, she had chestnut brown hair with light blonde highlights around her roots, falling just by her shoulders. She sat in a chair, rocking back and forth whilst kicking her feet as she looked at her duel monster cards in excitement. 

The young Yuki sibling stood up on the chair, "I guess we drew again bro, but don't you worry cause next time I'm gonna win!" Smiling up at Jaden, gathering her cards she hopped off the chair.

"Sorry Rei," The young girls name, "But the only one winning is me!" Jaden stood up and positioned his arms to do a strong man pose. Rei giggled as she began to walk away.

"Anyway, I'm gonna go adjust my deck so I can win against my friends!" 

"Haha good luck! I'm sure you'll win, I mean, you are MY little sis!" 

"I'm not just YOUR little sis! I'm my own person too and I'm gonna be the greatest duelist ever! I'll have people shouting, That's the one! The queen of games!" 

"Well we'll just see about that!" Jaden and Rei laughed with each other one last time, as Rei walked upstairs to her room.

'That's my little sis' Jaden thought to himself as he tended back to his cards. 

Sometime passed and it was getting dark, Jaden noticed the lights started to come on outside and realised he hadn't heard anything from Rei in a while, it had been completely silent. He got up and started to walk upstairs, "Rei, are you doing ok up there?" No response. 

Jaden knocked on her door, "Rei, I'm coming in..." He slowly opened the door and found her sleeping on her desk, her favourite card ELEMENTAL HERO THE EARTH had fallen to the ground with the rest of her deck stacked neatly by her hand on the desk. Jaden sighed as he was relieved to see she was just sleeping. 

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