Chapter 3: New Encounters

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Chapter 3: New Encounters

The freshman boat had arrived and it had seemed that Jaden's sister, that he had been dearly hoping was on the boat, seemingly was nowhere to be seen, that was until a girls voice could be heard from the boat just as Jaden and Jesse were about to leave.

"Excuse me! Anyone down there? I fell asleep and didn't realise everyone was getting off the boat, could you get the stairs out again?" A girl with medium length and a pointy fringe, chestnut hair with light blonde highlights around her roots, the hair flowing in the wind as she stood by the deck of the boat, one hand on the rails and the other waving in the air to get somebody's attention. She wore a black, V-neck crop top and blue denim shorts with a black belt that held a red deck case on the side. 

Luckily, there were still some staff by the boat and they were able to get the stairs back and let the girl out, "Oh man! Sorry about that I didn't mean to fall asleep but the seats were so comfortable!" The staff just nodded and left her to it. She slung her bag over her back, and thought to herself, 'Where should I head to then? This island is massive! Ah, maybe I can ask those two boys walking off over there?' She quickly ran up to them and coughed to get their attention, "Um, excuse me, you two boys?" 

Jesse turned round and she immediately took notice of his wide emerald eyes. "Yes, can we help..." He trailed off as he stared at the girl for a while, taking notice of her appearance.

"Um, well, I'm a freshman and I fell asleep so I lost everyone else," She laughed to herself and rubbed her head with sweat drop on her head. "I'm not sure where I'm meant to be going, do you think you could help me?" 

"S...Sure!" Jesse nudged Jaden who still had his back turned to the girl as he was quickly trying to hide his tears. "You know the directions around here more than I do Jay, so why don't ya help the gal?" 

"Jay?" The girl questioned, Jesse perked up at the question and tried to hide his smile. Jaden then turned around and posed a wide smile, hiding any upset he had been feeling before. 

"Yes, I'm Jaden Yuki! Nice to meet..." Jaden trailed off just as Jesse had done when he first noticed the girl. Both Jaden and the girl gasped at each other when they finally realised who each other were. "R...Rei..." His eyes wanted to pour but Jaden held back. The girl had placed her hand over her mouth in shock, 

"Jaden! Is that really you big bro?!" 

"Rei... I should be saying the same really, you're actually here!" Jaden smiled widely with his eyes watering up, he didn't have much time to react as Rei quickly ran into her brothers arms, her bag flying off her back, after all these years, they had finally been reunited. They held each other in a tight embrace as Jesse silently watched, he was so happy for Jaden. Jaden was in awe, he was shocked that Rei had actually came to Duel Academy just like he hoped, although there were still many questions of her whereabouts all these years, he was happy to just enjoy the moment with his long lost sister. 

"Well ain't this a heart warming reunion!" Jesse interrupted, "As much as I love a brother and sister get together, we should probably get Rei to the other freshman, pronto!" The siblings broke their embrace and smiled, Jesse picked up Rei's bag for her and handed it back to her as she thanked him. 

"Come on Rei, let us show you the way" The boys led her to the main hall where the other freshman had arrived, "We'll catch ya later then! We'll be in the Slifer red dorm, although you'll end up in Obelisk Blue!" Jaden hyped. 

"Well they've actually changed the rules this year so regardless of gender you can go into any dorm, so we'll just have to see!" Rei smiled confidently, she then headed off to join the other freshman as she waved off the boys happily. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2021 ⏰

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