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The bell rang its loud chime. Students bolted into the hallway to leave. I just stood there, hand planted on my face and not going to leave, until Jordan (of all people) pulled me out of my trance and said, "Are you okay?" with concern laced in his eyes.

"N-no," I pushed past him, tears streaming down my face...

I walked up to Jung Hoseok's office the next morning, ready to explain to him what the heck happened yesterday. I refused to go to first period, or any of my classes for that matter; the only reason I came to school was because my parents made me.

My mom had asked me what was wrong when I went home with red, puffy eyes and sniffling, but I lied and told her that I was perfectly fine. I wasn't going to tell her the truth anyway (because I didn't want her getting involved with the school), but she's been acting strange ever since this whole program started. She seems....happier. But not in a good way. It's like she's blissfully ignorant of anything going on. I'm starting to get worried.

I banged on the door to the counselor's office and saw Hoseok inside on the phone. He held up his finger signaling to wait a minute. I grew impatient and banged even harder and then looked back behind me, worried that another teacher might have seen me.

Hoseok looks up extremely irritated, but when he sees me, he hangs up and walks toward the door to let me in. I walked past him and sat in the chair in his office.

There's worry laced in his face when he slowly asks, "What's wrong?" I just couldn't help it; I burst into tears.

Great, now he's gonna think I'm depressed.

He strutted towards me and simply says, "Come here." I felt really embarrassed, but I sobbed in his arms.

I've never had this happen to me before, where a 'teacher' does something like this and just gets away with it. What are these boys doing to me?

Finally, when my tears had subsided, I lifted my head up and said, "When Namjoon sent me to seventh period, I went to Debate and Yoongi was there. He asked me why I was late to class and I told him I was with you. He said he didn't believe me, so I rolled my eyes, and he slapped me across the face and started screaming at me."

My tears started flowing again and Hoseok comforted me before looking up in mild terror. I turned around to see what he was looking at and saw Seokjin standing in the doorway with the most enraged look I've ever seen in my life.

He runs out of Hoseok's office and we both start chasing after him. Hoseok says, "Stay here," with a stern expression before running after the angry man. A few seconds later, I disobeyed him and starting running too.

I got to Mrs. Heather's room before I heard yelling and breaking things. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying, so I followed the sound even farther until I ended up right in Mrs. Brooks' doorway.

I saw Seokjin pushing Yoongi up against the wall in a fit of rage. He screamed, "YOU WERE COMPLETELY OUT OF LINE FOR DOING THAT! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!"



I saw unfiltered hatred in Yoongi's eyes as he started swinging at Jin. Then the scene became blurry when I saw blood pouring everywhere. Namjoon and Hoseok rushed past me to rip the men apart. Everything was just too much that I didn't even notice when I slid to the floor.

Is it just me, or is the room spinning?

My world slipped into darkness soon after...

I awoke in a strange place. I was in a classroom. It was dark. There were no desks.

What am I laying on? Oh, that's right. A bed. Why is there a bed in a classroom?

My brain was so incredibly foggy as I tried to recall the events before passing out. There...there was a fight. Two of the teachers...no, wait. It was Min Yoongi and Kim Seokjin. Jin was beaten up because of me... because of me. It was all my fault.

I sat up to get a better look at my surroundings, and my head started spinning again. Instead of the stuff that was supposed to be in the classroom, it looked more like a hospital. I was laying on a hospital bed and the room was very dim. There was medical technology all around.

I hate hospitals. They freak me out.

I started breathing much faster and my eyes welled up with tears. I wanted to scream or cry out, but I was just too caught in fear.

Namjoon rushed over to me trying to calm me down, "Shh, shh. It's okay. Don't panic."

I take another look around the room and realize that Taehyung and Jimin were standing in one side. I was hyperventilating at that point and I'm the verge of having a panic attack. I was afraid that Jimin might come near me and hurt me. I think he realized that because he soon strolled out of the room. That calmed me down a little bit.

Namjoon tried to console me in a soothing voice, "Stop crying. It'll be okay. Seokjin is alright; he's just a little beat up is all." I nodded. "There's not as much blood as you saw. You were just extremely stressed, and it caused you to pass out. But you're going to be okay. I have to go deal with some important business, but you'll stay here for a little while. At the end of the day, we'll send you home. Taehyung will be here the whole time to monitor you. If you need anything, anything at all, don't hesitate to ask him."

"Thank you," I croaked. He smiled softly before leaving the room.

I spent twenty minutes in there before I couldn't take it anymore.

I started to walk out of the room when Taehyung asked, "Where are you going?" I ignored him and continued on. He chased after me, but I made it out of the room.

I saw the entire west side of the school filled with examination tables and various medical equipment such as IVs, stethoscopes, sphygmomanometers, heart monitors, and many other things. There were doctors and medical professionals inspecting certain tools and technology.

"Get back here!" Taehyung called out angrily. I ran faster. "DON'T TOUCH ANYTHING!" he yelled.

I was worried he might hurt me so I dashed into the auditorium and stopped in horror. There several Chinese scientists working at some kind of lab station. One of them put a glowing blue serum into a syringe and tapped at it.

"HEY!" Taehyung burst in there with Jungkook behind him. They grabbed me by the arms and dragged me onto an examination table. I thrashed and clawed at them trying to break free, but they were too strong.


"I don't believe you!" I wailed.

Jungkook pinned me down and whispered harshly, "If you don't relax, you will get hurt. Now stop trying to fight us, you'll be okay."

"Let me go..." I relaxed in their arms as all emotion left my body.

They finally let me go as one of the medical professionals came up to me and started checking my heart rate, blood pressure, and a couple other things.

Taehyung and Jungkook looked at the monitor all serious and before their eyes went wide. Jungkook strided out of the room and came back a few minutes later with Namjoon. He looked at the monitor as well, and then they all left.

To say I was confused would be an understatement. I was bewildered by their behavior. Is something wrong with me?

They finally came back, this time with Hoseok, who looked just as surprised as the last three. I mentally rolled my eyes at these men. Hoseok cleared his throat and said, "Alice, you can go back to class now."

"Yes, sir," I whispered.

I hopped off the examination table when Namjoon grabbed my arm and warned, "Don't tell anybody what you saw, you hear me?" I nodded my head. "People could get hurt with the kind of information you have, so be careful. And be good to Seokjin; he's hurting and he needs you."

I didn't know what to think. Honestly, I was a bit weirded out by what he said about Seokjin, but I was determined to apologize and make it right with Jin so he doesn't think I am a cruel and heartless person.

As for the 'experimentation area,' I know exactly the person to tell.

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