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Several minutes later, my classmates shuffled into the room and took out their notebooks to do today's bellringer. Mrs. Samantha came in and sat at her desk, and Seokjin entered the room a few minutes afterward. Even though he had his own desk in the back, he still sat in front of me, which I greatly appreciated.

See, most of my teachers have arranged the desks in groups of four so students can sit together. In Mrs. Samantha's class, I used to have five people (including me) in my group. Then over time they started moving to other groups until eventually I was left alone. It has been that way for several weeks, so I was happy to have some company.....

.....If it weren't for the fact that he was SO DISTRACTING!

It wasn't even the fact that he was a glorious king; it was the fact that every time Mrs. Samantha started talking, he would look up from his book and start laughing where only I could hear it.

The way Mrs. Samantha teaches is..... interesting. She's the cheer coach, which means she yells not because she is angry, but because she's trying to push us. She's very blunt and makes sure to let people know if they can do better. If students are making smart comments or talking when she's talking, she takes her shoe off and threatens to beat them with it.

I guess Seokjin found it funny. But there is no way I could possibly think when he's over to the side giggling at her every other word.

Three thousand seconds later and the bell rang to go to fourth period. My fourth period class was Algebra II, otherwise known as Mrs. Gray's class.

There's a reason her name is Mrs. Gray. Talking to her is like talking to a brick wall. She's not like the other teachers, all bright and optimistic. No, she refuses to help you and if you ask a question, she makes you feel like the dumbest person on earth.

The only reason she likes our class is because we are quiet. We don't ask stupid questions, or really questions at all.

But I don't really care because she's not teaching us today. She usually lets Mr. Taylor teach us instead. Mr. Taylor is a student teacher from a state university who came here to gain some teaching experience. He's pretty nice and usually just leaves me alone.

When I walked into the room, I understood why Jungkook went in there this morning. Sitting at Mrs. Gray's desk was the great Kim Namjoon in a brown suit with chestnut brown hair. He looked at me as if he was angry.

I just sat down and stared ahead as I felt his eyes stabbing my soul. He got up and said, "Alice, come here for a minute." I got up and followed him as he pulled me into the hall and sat me in a desk that was left out there.

"I didn't want to keep you after class, lest you be late for fifth period," he said in a dark manner. I gulped, wondering what was going to happen next.

He continued, "So why didn't you go to detention today?"

My knees started shaking. "I-I knocked on the d-door, b-but there was no answer."

He slammed his hands down on the desk. "Then you come to my room!"

"B-but," he raised his eyebrows and I gulped once more, "Tae - Mr. Kim said I didn't have detention today."

He ran a hand through his locks and whispered to himself, "Taehyung! That son of a - anyway!" He started talking at normal volume again, "Don't miss it again, understand?"

"Yes, sir," I whimpered.

"Now you have two days of detention."

"What?" I said a lot louder than I should have.

He just spoke calmly, "Yes, you do. One, because you didn't come today, and two, because you can't seem to refer to authoritative figures by their proper honorifics."

What does that even mean?! Ohh, it must be because I almost said Taehyung instead of Mr. Kim. That is so stupid!

But I didn't want to get written up and sent to the office, so I just replied with a sulkish, "yes, sir." He nodded, satisfied, and led me back into the classroom.

We were learning about the golden ratio, and Mr. Taylor was writing something on the board. I couldn't help it, but my eyes wandered to where Namjoon was sitting, specifically the pair of glasses on his desk.

"Is that Mr. Kim's glasses?" I asked.

He looked up at me. "Huh? Oh, yeah. Those are Jin's. Would you like to return them?"

"But I just had his class," I explained.

He smiled. "Bring them to him tomorrow."

It was very weird, but it would give me another excuse to talk to one of the Bangtan Boys, so I gladly accepted.

"Y-yes, sir," I said. I took the glasses and set them on my desk.

The rest of class went by like paint drying, but at least it's not nearly as bad as geometry. But here's the fun part. Fifth period. Anatomy and Physiology. I walked right in there, and you wanna know the first thing I saw?

Park Jimin in a black suit with hot pink hair.

My knees grew weak and I could hardly stand. And the way he was looking at me wasn't helping. It was like I was a walking target or something. His eyes continued watching me as I grabbed my Chromebook and sat down with my group.

I set Seokjin's glasses on my desk. Jimin walked up behind me and leaned over, whispering, "Now, what is that?" referring to the glasses.

I didn't want to get in trouble, but I really didn't like the way he was looking at me, so I (stupidly) smarted off to him, "Nothing."

He chuckled, "Okay," and headed towards Mrs. Marian's desk where he sat down and typed something on the computer.

We completed the bellringer and started a new chapter, the nervous system. Jimin sat at an empty table behind my group and just watched me the whole time; it made me very uncomfortable.

We went to lunch, finally, and I came back to the classroom, sat down, and started chatting with my friends. I hadn't even gotten into my food yet before Seokjin walked by and entered the room.

"Jimin," he said obviously irritated, "Do you know where my glasses are?"

Jimin simply smiled and Jin's eyes wandered to my desk where they landed on his pair of glasses.

He was fuming. "So you're the little thief, aren't you?!"

"I swear, I didn't steal anything!"

He stomped like a child. "I don't care what you have to say! All I know is that I am missing my glasses, and they somehow appeared on your desk!"

I shook my head, "N-no-"

He cut me off, "Jimin."

Jimin, while wearing a huge grin, walked over to Mrs. Marian's desk, got a write up form, and handed it to Seokjin. A couple minutes later, he handed me the filled-out form and left the room.

Jimin looked at me pointedly and stated, "Go on."

The whole time I was thinking about how I didn't even get to open my lunch.

As I walked down the hall, I looked at the write up sheet and in big, bold letters it said:


What? Aren't we supposed to go to the principal's office? Does Jin think I need mental help or something?! Why would he tell me to go there?!

I was bewildered as I wandered into the counselor's office and saw Jung Hoseok sitting there, waiting for me.

Oh, for heaven's sake! Am I ever going to get a break?!

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