One In The Same

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Uhh.. Leafy..?


I gasped at the voice in my head. What? "F..Firey..?" I started to tremble as I spoke, stepping back. "Leafy what's going on- hey- stop!" I tried to step back, but Firey was trying to move another way. We both spoke through the same voice, same body.

"..aaAH this wasn't supposed to happen.." I started panicking and forced the body to stop, and looked at my hands. "What? What was supposed to happen?? Wait no that's not what I meant- what're you talking about?? I don't- shh." He cut me off and turned us towards the door.

When he moved it felt like I was doing it but not in a sort of way. Like if it was care freely moving without your force, but still connected to you, so you still felt it. And we both controlled everything. So even if I wanted to look a certain way, he could be trying to look another way and I wouldn't be able to look anywhere else. It was like fighting against your own control.

He moved us closer to the door and we heard a couple footsteps that slowly got closer, before hearing them fade away. He sighed and slowly opened the door, looked around a bit and then walked out and closed the door. "..what're we doing?" I asked, he started walking towards his room.

"Uh, getting away from your room. Shouldn't we go Recover body? Or go tell GB or something?" I stopped us from entering his room. "Stop, we've gotta go tell GB about this- rghh. Out of all people I have to be stuck in a body with you. What's that supposed to mean?? know what I-I mean- no I don't. Why are you-"


We both turned to see Coiny staring at us with a concerned expression. "Dude, you okay? You're talking to yourself." He walked over to us and stared directly into our eyes, I looked away. "Yeah I'm fine." Firey finished, Coiny looked a little more serious now. "Is your voice okay? It like, changed midway." My eyes widened.

Does our voice sound different when we talk?? Leafy, I'm sure it's like- pitch change or something. Pay attention. We looked at Coiny. Uhh, Firey say something. It's your body. He placed one of our hands to under his mouth in the area his neck would be. "Did it? Sorry, it's probably the rain, aha!" He placed a hand behind our back in a nervous way.

"Oh, you should probably uh, get some rest then? Maybe it'll be better in the morning." He shrugged and looked at Firey's room door behind us. "Oh, no, it's okay! We needed to go to GB's so I'll be out for some of the night." I felt Firey get annoyed at the fact I cut him off. "Oh?..wait w-"

I pushed past him, "Cya Coiny!" I stumbled a little as Firey fought against my movement, but I stopped as we reached the door and I opened to..rain. Ah.. Sigh..... Aha! I looked around and grabbed an umbrella from a little basket that was besides the door, opened it, and headed out.

It wasn't raining as heavily as it was when I ran back, but still. Water hurt. A lot. Makes me feel worse about everytime Firey's died by water. "Leafy what the hell are we doing?" I kept on pushing towards Golf Ball's factory, ignoring him. "..Leafy. We're-..we're going to Golf Ball's factory. On her paper thing it said we had to report things back to her- I think this is something pretty big to report back. Plus, I don't wanna be stuck in the same body as you. AND. Your- my body is dead, and nobody knows, and we have no clue what'll happen if we recover a body that has no soul in it." I spit out, a little fast.

Firey started looking around, guess I talked a little too loud. "Be a little quieter. How far is GB's factory? It's just around here, Firey. Sorry." I felt a little more less pulled down as Firey walked with me, but I was over took as he started running. I forced him to stop right before we entered the lab, which, despite having a wide opening and being underground, was not filled with water.

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