A Flicker of the Night

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A small red light flickered on and off, not noticeable enough to Imdienly notice, or to be a bother, but it was still there. Light soon filled the darkened room, a door sliding upwards from the ground. Two figures walked in, orange and grey, and stood in the middle of the room for a couple of seconds. The grey one mumbled a couple jumbled words and then exited the room, the door shutting, but instead of the room flooding with darkness again, it was kept lit, by the orange one. It soon decided to move and look around, not many interesting things to look at. It moved over to the bed and layed down on it's back with their eyes wide open.

Firey's POV

I stared at the ceiling as I cut off all of Leafy's thoughts. I was just.. Thinking. About what she said earlier, before I was killed. Did she really mean that? She's probably just trying to gain more friends. She doesn't care about me.

As I layed I felt Leafy trying to close our eyes and fall asleep, but I kept them open. I couldn't close them.

I longed for something. Wanted something. I didn't know what it was. It felt like it was here though. What could it be? The only thing in this room is me and Leafy. A couple failed robots layed around, but I'm sure I don't want those.

I turned to look at the side, seeing the wall. Seeing the lit up wall. When did this start? The day before maybe? Hasn't been too long. Seems like too long, though. I turned to my back again and sat up. Leafy rubbed our eyes and a yawn came out.

I looked over at the way the pillows were placed. There were 5 pillows. One big long pillow and the two other sets of two pillows on top of the big one. If that makes sense. Why the hell did TB need 5 pillows.

I stared at them for a couple seconds in hesitation, and then grabbed one and held it in my arms, laying down again. I squeezed my arms around the pillow and closed my eyes tight. "I wish you were here.."

Our eyes we're forced open and I imidiently stopped the silence that filled my head, in a way, and let Leafys thoughts come through to mine. Firey? What do you mean? Who? I sat there in silence, not letting anything pass through my thoughts, but one slipped through. You. Me? Firey are you okay? Is it something I did? Firey I thought we made up, aren't we- no, Leafy.

You. Just you. I don't understand why, but I want you here. Next to me. Gah, what is wrong with me.. I hugged the pillow tighter and a tear came to the corner of my eye, I winced. "Did you.. Really mean what you said?" I asked and I closed my eyes and yawned again, putting my head against the pillow.

She didn't say anything for a while. "Leafy? Oh, sorry. What are you talking about?" She sat us up as to not fall asleep, but I stayed grasping the pillow. "Y'know, before you killed me.. When you said we should just forget everything, and be friends again. Of course I meant that, Firey. Why do you bring it up?"

I stared down, a sadness flooding over me. "I.. Don't know." It was like I had forgotten everysingle thought. Every single reason. What was it that still made me unsettled about being her friend? We sat in silence for a while, staring at things in the room. Occasionally Leafy would comment on what we were looking at, causing a small laugh out of me.

I closed my eyes. I guess she is here. Just not next to me. Not sure what makes me really wanna be able to be next to her and hug her. Wish she was in her own body so I could hug and ki- stop. Why would I think about that? Crazy. Get out of my head. Stop stop stop stop stop. Get out of my head. Get out of my head. Getoutofmyhead.

"Lea..fy..." I looked up and around as I realized we were no longer in TB's old room. I was no longer in TB's room. Her presence wasn't with me anymore.

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