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quickly uploading this cause I have nothing to lose!!
alright hello apology time. Sorry for taking like 8-9 MONTHS?? I THINK?? I dont know the exact date I last updated this book. ANYWAYS NOW THAT THAT'S OVER

This chapter is going to probably suck reading. It's choppy, some parts go too fast, some parts are probably unnecessary, and it might just be generally unsatisfying to read

Golf Ball might be a bit out of character at the beginning, I wrote the first half of this over 6 months ago and decided to try and finish it maybe 3 months ago? I decided on the ending like over 2 weeks ago

I'm very unhappy with this chapter so it might suck it might not
3000 words, I think most of the chapters are under or at 2000? It's probably more cause of the writing style I chose in a POV, but whatever!!

I'll try not to take so long for the next chapter

Also side note - this isnt that important but in a chapter before this when Leafy had looked around in Firey's room, I thought i had mentioned the fact he had chocolate in his room but when I reread I didn't see it so. Now's your time to pretend you read that Leafy found a box of chocolate in Firey's closet. Have fun reading

Golf Ball's POV

"Hm, it just seems like a lot of arguing and nervousness. It was mostly just them thinking in their head, they also stayed up until 6am and.. Probably had a nightmare." TB had reported to me after he skipped and scanned through the recording from last night.

I was sat on a stool that was next to the counters from our tiny makeshift kitchen. A cup of coffee sat infront of me on the counter and TB sat down on the stool next to mine. "Doesn't sound interesting." Actually, it did sound interesting, but right now I'm particularly not in the mood to be studying something that needed to be fixed in the next couple of hours. Fix first. Maybe study later..

Taking a sip of the coffee, I looked at TB, who was studying the tablet on the counter. I can't see anything from where I am, but I can hear some murmurs with Firey's disconnected voice. I wonder what they're doing right now. Maybe they're awake and cant open the door because of the security system.

I looked at the tablet and then took another sip of coffee and placed the cup down. I stood up on the chair and reached over for the tablet and slid it to myself. Tennis Ball watched me as I closed the recording and looked at what was happening right now. They were asleep. Maybe they're both exhausted. TB described his thoughts as everything from them was doubled? So hopefully neither of them are grumpy when they wake up.

"TB, go open their door so when they wake up they can get out." He nodded at me and jumped off the chair. I watched him walk for a second and turned to the tablet, after a swift shrrh sound from where TB went, I saw light flood into the room and TB's shadow slip away.

Me and TB sat for a while, occasionally chatting. I looked at the time a couple of times, '9:37', '9:51'. They really like to sleep in, huh. Maybe you use more energy when you're fighting against yourself 24/7.

It took a little while longer before TB moved and turned to the door, expecting something to come out. I looked over with him and waited until I saw the body of a flame stumbling out into the hallway.

"Finally!" I jumped out of my chair and walked over to them, they looked a little out of it. "You're up. Let's go recover Leafy." I rushed them over to the stairs, TB followed, and I went up myself as the extra add in shivered like they wished there was a railing to hold onto or something. TB approached behind me. "They just woke up, dont you think we should take it slow?" He whispered to me, concern filtering his voice. Silly. I stopped and looked around, we were a couple steps away from the lab and the combo was still a couple steps down the stairs. Not many other objects around us were up, but a couple of objects lingered alone or in groups.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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