'𝐼𝒻 𝒽𝑒'

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Chapter nineteen

(couldn't find a  gif where  a couple was backhugging so I just took this 🙂)

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(couldn't find a  gif where  a couple was backhugging so I just took this 🙂)

'*:;,.★ ☆・:.,;*

Heeseung POV

"I TOLD YOU, YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO GO THERE BUT YOU JUST WON'T LISTEN. " I yelled at Y/N as we got to my home after I found her alone at a really dangerous street where girls aren't supposed to go there alone "I just wanted to buy something. I found a new shop there" she said as she took here shoes off. "HAH? You're crazy. I told you that you can't go there because there are many old mens who would rape you" I said as I rolled my eyes "Yeah, chill. But better question is.. why were you there?" "Because I was walking by" I answered "Yeah, ok" she said as she walked to my room.

~This girl~ I whispered to myself. I took my shoes off and went to my room. As I came in I saw her lying on my bed while playing on her phone. I laid next go her but she turned around facing me her back. "Ya, don't be mad. I was just worried about you" I said "Atleast hug me lol" She said and I smiled right away. I hugged her tight which made us both fall asleep.


Suddenly, I woke up but as I looked behind me no one was there. I yawned and went downstairs like a zombie because it felt like I was sleeping whole two days not knowing what time it is. Finally, I found Heeseung in the kitchen cooking something. I bet he's making ramyeon himself. I walked to him and stood behind him. "AAH" he screamed as he turned to me. I looked at him with confused face "Ah , jesus I got scared " he said as hugged me. I chuckled and hugged him back. "You making ramyeon?" I asked as I pulled away from the hug and opened the fridge "Uh, do you want too?" "Nah" "Why?" "I'm not hungry" I said and laid on the couch as I was still tired and wanted to sleep "When are your parents coming?" Heeseung asked me as he sat next to me with his ramyeon "Next week on monday. Actually, I should go home now because your parents will come soon" I said "Nah, just sleep here they won't kill you" "Hah, well okay" I said and we started watching a movie together.

Jake POV

~The next day at school>

The whole day I was just with Kai and Sunoo. We all didn't bothered to talk with the others because we wanted to know Kai better. But now that it was lunch time we decided to go to the cafeteria to order something. "hey, isn't that Sunghoon hyung with Yuna and Niki? Why do they look so mad?" Huening asked me while pointig outside to Sunghoon. "Hah, yeah it's them. And I don't know why they are so mad. "

Suddenly, all of them walked to us. "Hi?" I said "Hi, why didn't you even bothered to talk to us?" Sunghoon asked as he sat next to me while Yoon was clinging onto his arm. "me and Sunoo wanted to know him better. By the way, why do you look so mad?" I asked "Oh I look mad? Well I'm not " "Well, and you hyung why didn't  you texted me back ?" Niki asked Sunoo as his arm was around Sunoo's shoulder "You texted me? " "Yeah" "I didn't saw it." Sunoo said. "Okay, just go order something. We will be waiting for you." I said to Sunghoon and he went with Yoon order something while Sunoo was sharing his food with Niki. "I really should make pictures of them. They look so cute" I whispered to Kai in his ear and he agreed " I agree. Also, look at this picture. That is me and my big brother Yeonjun. For real he has so much love to give but sometimes his love is violent" He said and we laughed suddenly Sunghoon grabbed my wrist and took me somewhere. "Ya, what's going on?" I asked but he didn't answer me.

Finally, he took me to the basement? "What the hell?" I asked as he locked the doors. "What's your relationship with Huening Kai?" He asked as he was really mad. "We are just friends" "Hah, friends? But it didn't look like that" he said as he held me by my waist which made shocked. I gulped "He just told me something funny so what is your problem?" I asked as I was trying to push his hands away but not successfully. He was too strong. "You can only laugh, touch, look and smile just at me. If you do that with him again I won't go easy on you" he said while looking straight into my eyes "Why are you so obsessive? We aren't even together and you have a girlfriend anyway" I said but he didn't answer. He leaned closer to me but I looked away. "If you want to have something with me then you know what to do" I said and unlocked the doors leaving him there alone. If he wants me he should break up with Yoon then. If not he should just stay with her.

Helooo me is back again. I'm sorry that it took me too long to publish new chapter. Well, anyway new chapter will come tomorrow and also we already reached 3K reads ?? Woow❤️👄❤️ I can't really explain of how happy and thankful I am because I always say the same but just let you engenes know I'm really really thankful and I appreciate it alot. Okay, I will end it here now because I need to write new chapters for other stories so have a nice day❤️

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