For Once Jeff Isnt Mad.

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Alex:*gives Ben a note*
Ben:*looks at it then opens it and reads it* should we tell Jeff?
Alex: *looks down* well, uh, I think so. She is your fan girl.
Ben:*walks out into the living room and yells* We have a new fan girl!
Sally: For who?
Ben: well, uh, for me. She's my fan girl.
Ben: It's ILoveLiterature2727 *says happily*
Jeff: ASS. HAT.
LJ:*smacks Jeff* STOP CURSING!
Sally: Curse! Curse! Curse! You'd never hurt me! *giggles and runs off*
LJ:*chases Sally playfully*
Smile Dog: *walks next to Jeff* R.I.D.E. M.E..
Jeff: happily *gets on smile dogs back*
Smile Dog: *runs around*
Jeff:*pretends to have the most fun possible to make Ben jealous*
Ben:*itches his head then walks away*
Jeff:*growls and jumps off of smile dog and runs towards Ben, tackling him* Love meee.
Ben: j...Jeff... Get off of me. *blushes*
Jeff: not until you love me. *makes kissy faces at Ben*
Ben: j..Jeff... Everyone can see us...
Jeff: I love you, Ben. I don't care what they think. I just want you to be with me again, I want to be able to hold you in my arms, keeping you warm as we watch the stars. Ben I need you. The days without you with me have been sickening. I... I've lost everything without you Ben. I miss how we used to play video games together, with you in my lap. I want you to be mine again Ben. I... *inhales deeply*
Ben: J...Jeff.. I.I love you too. I wanted to get back with you. I missed everything about you too. I just wanted to make sure I was actually missing you and not the sex. And I do miss you. *lifts his head up and kisses Jeff*
Jeff:*blushes and kisses back*
Ben:*kisses deeper*
Jeff:*pulls away from Ben slightly and whispers onto his lips* I love you, Ben.
Ben: I love you too.
Jeff:*kisses Ben's lips*
Ben:*kisses back*
Jeff:*stands up and lifts Ben up with him, leading him to his room*
Ben:*follows him*
Jeff:*locks the door as they both get inside*
Alex: *smiles knowing she helped recreate them, by telling Ben to admit to Jeff his feelings*
Masky:*comes up to Alex* where did Jeff and Ben go?
Alex: *blushes* I-into Jeff's r-room...
Masky: they made up?
Masky: Hooow..?
Alex: I-uh... T-told b-ben t-to admit h-his f-feelings to j-Jeff.
Masky: and then they went into Jeff's room?
Alex: k-kissing...
Masky: kissing?
Masky: wow. Thanks... *walks away*
Alex: *watches him, confused*
Chris:*falls out of the closet as the closet door opens*
Alex:*looks at Chris*
Chris:*blushes brightly while staring into the closet*
Nina:*picks Chris back up and kisses her, pulling her into the closet and shutting the door again*
Alex:*raises an eyebrow then looks down wondering why everyone is kissing, then stands up and walks outside, looking around at the trees* Why have I never tried to escape? I've been kidnapped, but turned it into a party, making friends and... *Realizes that Slendy probably killed her parents* they never really invited me here, they forced me here... Did they somehow brainwash me to make me believe this place was safe? Why am I just think about this. *she holds her head and stops thinking to herself, then runs towards the trees, deep into the forest, wanting to go back, she runs into Sally and falls down* I-im sorry... *sits up and looks at Sally*
Sally: what's wrong? Why are you crying?
Alex: I-im n-no- *suddenly feels the tears running down her cheeks*
Sally: what happened?
LJ: *runs up from out of the trees chasing Sally then stops as he sees Alex* A...Alex?
Alex:*looks at LJ, then at Sally, then looks down*
LJ:*holds a hand out to her to help her up*
Alex:*gulps and grabs his hand as she stands up*
Sally:*stands up* I...I think I hurt her... I ran into her and she fell.. and I didn't mean to...
Alex:*wipes her eyes and hugs Sally* n-no.. i-its not y-your fault.
Sally:*looks up at Alex* then what's wrong...?
Alex:*stops hugging Sally and gets up off of her knees* I-uh... I-it s n-nothing....
Sally: Are you sure?
Alex:*nods and smiles fakely*
Sally:*Smiles brightly and runs back towards the mansion*
Alex:*walks, following her*
LJ:*puts an arm over Alex's shoulders* what's actually wrong, Darling?
Alex: n-nothing.... *continues walking*
LJ:*grabs Alex's wrist and stops her from walking then turns her around and looks at her* I know when something's wrong... What is it?
Alex: *looks down* h-how d-did I g-get here...? H-honestly...?
LJ:*gulps* well uh...
Alex: w-who b-brought me h-here?
LJ: Jeff...
Alex: w-why...? *tears start dripping down her cheeks again*
LJ: *wipes away her tears*
Alex:*sniffles* w-why a-am I h-here...?
LJ: I can't tell you that...
Alex: w-why n-not?
LJ: because Slendy wants you to still be... Well... Normal...
Alex: I-im n-not n-normal...
LJ: I know... But you're more human then all of us, and you're the perfect age.
Alex: p-perfect age?
LJ: yeah...
Alex: w-what a-am I d-doing here?
Sally: I thought you told her... *walks out from behind a Tree towards them*
LJ: Sally...!
Sally: you guys said you told her.
Alex: t-tell m-me w-what?
Sally: we're recruiting you as a proxy.. *smiles*
Alex: b-but i-i can't k-kill anyone. *clenches her hand into a ball*
Sally: you're basically going to get to do a mission where you get to go to this one high school and you get to see which of the people there are working for Zalgo and what Zalgo is planning... Slendy told Jeff to pick someone cute so that Zalgos slaves would be attracted to you because Jeff has the same taste in girls as Zalgo... But don't tell him I said that
LJ: -Sally...
Sally: -And Masky and hoodie are going to help you while you're there. You're gonna get to stay with them in a small apart-
LJ: Sally..!
Sally: -ment in the real world and you will get to save all of us creepypastas from
Sally:*whispers* Zalgo.
Alex: i-is t-this true*looks at LJ*
LJ:*sighs and nods* But we weren't supposed to tell you because Slendy didn't want you to get stressed.
Sally: ohnoo. I didn't want to stress her out. Alex, I'm sowwie..
Alex: i-its okay...
LJ: now we have to go back to the mansion to tell Slendy what you've done. *grabs Alex's and Sally's hands*
Alex:*blushes and follows*
LJ:*stops as they reach the mansion door and looks up at the mansion*
Alex:*looks up at it*
Sally:*giggles and opens the door, running inside*
LJ:*walks inside still gripping onto Alex's hand tightly*
Alex:*blushes and squeezes his hand back gently*
LJ:*notices that everyone's in the kitchen eating dinner, he leads Alex into the kitchen and sits down at the table with her. He gets them some food and sets one plate in front of her and one in front of himself he then leans over and whispers into her ear* we'll tell him after dinner *then he pulls away and takes a bite of food*
Alex: *nods slightly in agreement and takes a bite of the food, wondering what Slendy will say later to them*

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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