Question 1

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Me: Hey guys we got a question, for Slendy.

Slendy: * appears out of nowhere* child what do you need

Me: we had a question sent in by The_Arkham_Knight...

Ben: * reads the paper from behind me to himself*

Me: The_Arkham_Knight asks. "Hey Slendy...."

Slendy: Hello Child

Me: *continues reading*"Why do you kidnap children? I know creepypastas are evil, but seriously why children? And were you ever someone else before you became the horror know as -The Slenderman"

Slendy: Okay, I kidnap children, but make sure not to hurt them be-

Jane: - a Slendy article says " In almost every description Slenderman's basic attributes will vary greatly, however several basic traits are typical of his behavior. He is shown to behave in a very passive aggressive manner, stalking targets for years at a time, torturing his target mentally for various unknown reasons. He is rarely ever shown in a benevolent light and is typically shown as a malevolent force."

Slendy: You don't know what you can trust now-a-days

Ben: Your on Wikipedia, Jane

Jane: * blushes and looks down* I know

Slendy: Well first question. Children attract more things, including their parents... Then I get to kill someone in the process.

Me: * silently nods*

Slendy: and I was not anything in this life other then Slenderman, but I remember my other lives. I lived along the people, then a virus infected me and my family. My brothers died before me, but when I arose from the dead in a form I couldn't comprehend. I had no face a tall body and tentacles.... I realized the only memory of my family was the suit I was wearing. So ever since I've honored my family by wearing suits....

Jeff: wait, you like you family. Haha

Jane: When someone else murders your family you learn to honor them. * glares at Jeff*

Jeff: Well I'm sorry you failed to be beautiful.

Jane: Ughh

Me: * turns to see Sally in the corner*

Sally: you killed my parents * Crys and disappears*

Slendy: * goes to comfort Sally*

Me : * looks down* well anyway I hope you enjoyed this q and A chapter.

A/N: ok well, I made up Slendys back story because he doesn't really have one, and the Article Jane was reading is actually a real article - - is the URL if you want to read it... Byee

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