Chapter 1: Ryan

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Chapter 1. Ryan.
The new kid.
Ryan was walking to her locker on a boring Tuesday morning. It was finally starting to get warmer, giving her the liberty to wear one of her favorite outfits. The blue dress with a flowery skirt that would puff out whenever she would turn around to go a different direction. Her shining brown to blonde ombré hair was down in loose curls, half pinned back with a white bow on the top of her head. To top it all off she wore a small amount of makeup, which Hayden --her twin sister-- insisted she wear. Although it wasn't much, it enhanced her features giving her the natural beauty look.
Walking down the hall in a normal pace, she passed some familiar faces and found it funny that they had all known each other since a small age, yet she couldn't get a 'hello' or 'hey Ryan' out of any of them. She occasionally gotta 'do I know you?' or 'How are you enjoying your first year?'
Of course she remembered all of them. One of the many curses of having a near photographic memory.
She sighed and looked around for her boyfriend-Dylan-before opening her locker and putting books in. She had terrific news and couldn't wait to tell him. That's why she dressed up in the morning. What is better than having great news and dressing cute on the same day?
Looking both ways as she shut her locker she spotted him. Turning around quickly as her skirt fanned out and ran down the hall.
"Dylan!" she said with a smile as she came up to his smiling face. "Guess what just happened to me?!" She asked happily unable to contain how excited she was within herself.
"What? Did you finally figure out how to play Halo?" He asked with his perfect smile and short laugh.
"Yeah, but that's not what I'm talking about," she said flatly shutting that question down quickly. It had been a week since Dylan asked her to play and it was one of the most horrible things she ever did. She held up a hand for him to listen to her instead of asking some other random question that he was sure to make up. That's the thing about Dylan. His mind is literally all over the place.
"I was asked to join the cheer squad!" She smiled and almost squealed while saying it. "Isn't that amazing? Ooh! And I am joining the photography club! I'm so excited right now! The best way to extinguish that is by going to first hour."
He chuckled lowly and smiled at her, his green eyes having a knowing gleam to them. "Oh so you didn't mind the cheer outfits after all?" He asked with a knowing smile.
She smiled and shook her head. "Are you ready for your test today?" She asked him, changing the subject.
Dylan looked at her absolutely lost for a second before muttering a curse under his breath. "No. I completely forgot about it," He grumbled angrily to himself.
"Dyl, we studied all week for this," she said. "How could you possibly forget?" She clutched her first hour books to her chest as if someone were trying to take them from her.
"I'm sure--" She was cut off by a boy running into her. He hit her shoulder. Hard.
Ryan stumbled back and landed on her butt, her books spilling onto the ground before her. She sat up and gathered her books.
"Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry!" The boy said with a concerned look on his face. He had wavy black hair and stunning blue eyes that could make anyone stop and take a second glance. Freckles washed over his face and they were brought out perfectly due to his tan skin tone. He wore a tank top advertising a skateboard shop in California and some dark wash jeans.
He extended a hand and helped Ryan up. She smiled and took the mystery guy's hand, adjusted her dress once she was standing.
"I'm sorry about that. I'm kind of in a rush. I was supposed to meet someone, but I got lost and I just have no idea where I am," he said giving her a smile and showing off his pearly whites. "I'm Joel Newman. I'm new here."
She exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding. "I've got good news for you then, Joel. I'm Ryan, and I was the one you were supposed to meet in the library," she told him. "Have you gotten your schedule yet?" He shook his head and chuckled slightly. "Then let's go get yours, and I'll show you around." She smiled.
Ryan turned to Dylan and smiled. "Bye, Dyl. See you at lunch. And good luck on your test!" She said standing on her tip toes to kiss his cheek.
She turned around and started walking down the busy corridor with Joel to get his schedule.

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