Chapter 5: Ryan

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Chapter 5: Ryan
Boys will be boys
held accountable for their actions.

Right outside of class, Ryan pulled the boys to her side and looked between them with an angry expression. "Are you two serious?" she hissed almost with venom in her voice. "I am a prize to be won. I am not property. I will not tolerate this childish behavior!"
She yelled with perfect timing. The bell rang signaling the end of this dreaded day of school. She huffed as she took one last look at them before walking away. Were they crazy?! Betting a kiss from her without her consent?! She was furious with the both of them.
She started walked home stubbornly, fuming from all that had happened that day. She wasn't in the mood to do anything for anyone right now. Her mind was everywhere at once and she didn't know what to think. Dylan--well, more like Cole--pulled up beside her on the curb and rolled down the window. Dylan still didn't have his car since the car wreck that happened a month ago.
"Ry, I'm sorry. Please get in the car so we can drive you home," he said with sincerity in his voice. She just shook her head simply and ignored all of them. Evan Hayden was in the back seat asking her to come with them. Seeing as they were getting no where, they did as she asked a left her alone to walk home.
Once at her house, she dropped off her backpack on the floor by her desk. She had a moment of rage and destroyed her backpack, ripping it open and kicking everything all over the place. Feeling a little better after that, of course, she picked everything up and reorganized it.
After everything was off the ground, including herself, she brushed off and sat down in a chair. All she wanted to do now was crawl into her bed and lay there. She sighed and got up from her chair and walked into the bathroom to take her make up off. She was done for today. Way past done.
"I dunno," she said looking back at herself in the mirror as she took her earrings out. "Maybe I'll be sick tomorrow? I was for practice. I just need one day away from the drama.. That's all. Just one day. One day."
Ryan knew what she was getting into when she started to date Dylan. He even warned her that there was way too much drama in his life. At first she was happy to get out of the boring life she lived, but now all of it was getting to her. Now she understood why he hated himself to a point.
Sighing and exiting the bathroom, she went to go change into something a little more comfortable: Sweats and Dylan's too-big-for-her sweatshirt. She may be upset with him, but it was so soft and taking it from him was a hassle at that. Ryan put her hair in a messy bun and danced around the library singing loudly and dancing goofily to her favorite songs that were blasting in the library. Until the song came on.
Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift.
This song always made her think of Dylan. And now all of a sudden Joel. She didn't know why, but it did. She remembered the math class and quickly ran to get her jacket, but she already had one on. She face palmed at how rushed she was and grabbed her shoes.
How could she have been so stupid? Joel had made the bet. Not Dylan. She was blaming the wrong person. She had to apologize for acting like that.
She opened the door and bolted, after she locked up the library that is, straight towards the Evans house. She made it to his mansion in maybe ten minutes, knocking on the double doors and not waiting for a response.
"Dylan!" she called opening the door and shutting it quickly behind her with her foot. Her eyes looked around the large foyer and finally rested on the back of her boyfriend standing in the formal living room. She caught her breath before looking up at him with a smile. "Dyl.... an....." Her smile fell and she tried not to. That would be embarrassing.
There... There was another girl in his arms. She was dressed in the latest fashion with long flowing locks of gold that went down to her waist. She had heels on that made her a little taller than Dylan. Her skin appeared to be perfectly tanned like she was kissed by the sun. Ryan couldn't see the girl's face because it was seemingly too busy kissing her... boy... friend...
One of his eyes opened and looked completely stunned to see her standing there. "Ry!" he cried, pushing the girl away as a red flush rose to his perfect... amazing... adorable... cheeks... NO! He was not adorable! He was out with some other girl! That was not his girlfriend. Ryan was! Or used to be. She didn't know anymore. First the math bet and now this.
"You aren't allowed to call me that anymore!" she screamed at him as she threw the door open and stormed out not looking back even after he called to her.
She started running home, tears threatening to spill from her eyes at what she saw. She could hear him running behind her, but she didn't look back. She simply ran faster not wanting to hear his excuses.
Then she ran into someone familiar. Looking up she knew exactly who it was: Joel. She pushed him away and not worrying about why he was there and took off running again.
Now she had two people chasing her.
Her hand flying to her pocket, she quickly unlocked the door and threw it open stumbling inside. Hearing them right behind her, Ryan shut the door and locked it. She sank to the ground with her back against the door and sighed. Some of the tears that she held back finally spilled over soundlessly. The two boys pounded on the door their voices trying to persuade her to open the door. She ignored them, partly because she didn't want to deal with them, mostly because she was already asleep...

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