Chapter Two: Dylan

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Chapter 2. Dylan.

Flunking on Purpose

Dylan blinked a couple of times watching Ryan walk off with that kid. What just happened? What the hell just happened!

He turned around completely confused of the situation. Shaking his head, he went down the hallway to his first class. He shouldn't be worried about this right? I mean he trust Ryan enough that he was completely okay with some random stranger bumping into his girlfriend and then helping her up when that was suppose to be his job. That was his job right? To help her up then turn to the guy expecting an apology?

'No Dylan. It's fine.' He thought to himself as he entered his first hour history class. The rambunctious popular kids sat at the front of the class, while the nerds sat in the middle, and everyone else sat in the back. Knowing Dylan you would have thought he would be right in the front with the popularity crowd, but he insisted on sitting in the back where no one would bother him. It was weird considering he looked like one of them. He also had the fame to be the leader of the popular crowd, but that wasn't him. He simply avoid that crowd as much as possible and headed to his seat at the back corner of the classroom.

Slumping down into his seat, he set out his surprisingly heavy textbook in front of him to get some studying done before class started. The problem was he couldn't concentrate. History was boring and everyone knows it repeats itself. But that wasn't the only thing. Dylan just really didn't care right now. Who was that guy? And why was he worrying about it so much? He knew Ryan could take care of herself. Maybe it was because it happened all of a sudden, but he didn't feel very convinced that guy just happened to run into her.

Quickly skimming over the material, he shut his book and took out his pencil right as the bell rang. His leg bounced up and down due to nerves. It's only eight in the morning and he had a History exam. Perfect. That meant the rest of the day was going to suck. He could already tell. Tuesday's were his least favorite days due to block scheduling. Every class was longer since they didn't have homeroom and therefore most test were on these days.

The teacher came in to class, grabbing the packets from the edge of her desk, and passing them out to all the students. She quickly took them through the test before allowing them to begin. Dylan looked down at the four paper packet and sighed. Four pages of questions that he didn't feel like answering. Let's not forget the essay at the end. Dylan was alright with the essay, in fact he felt that was the easiest part of any test. His father is a famous novelist so writing came natural to him.

Skipping the first part, he dived straight into the writing portion. Only five paragraphs to write would only take him maybe 10 minutes tops. He hoped that his writing would maybe give him some clues on the rest of the test.

"Okay. Explain the Neolithic Revolution and its effects on how we live today." He whispered to himself tapping his pencil on the paper in front of him. He thought back to a couple nights ago, studying in the library with Ryan, and tried to remember what she was saying about the revolution.

Now he wished he was paying attention at that time. To be honest he really didn't know what happened because he was exhausted from coming back from another audition that Cole had earlier that week. Staring at the blank page he decided to just wing it. Something would come to him or he would just be creative enough to sound like he knew what he was talking about.

Don't get him wrong. Dylan wasn't trying to flunk the class. At least not on purpose anyway. If history was just a little bit more exciting or if he got four more hours of sleep, he may know the answers to this test.

It was torture, but he finally finished the essay with 20 minutes to spare. Dylan whizzed through the multiple choice, mostly choosing c or b with the occasional a and d. His logic was if he choose a pattern he would somehow manage to pass.

As the bell rang for the end of class, he packed up his stuff and turned in his test walking back out to the busy hallway. Usually he would meet up with Ryan in between classes, but she was busy with what's his face. Yep. It was definitely one of those days.

Heyo! Claire here!

So this is the second chapter due to Dylan's view! Hope you guys enjoy it! I know it's a bit slow, but we need to set things up before we get into any drama. Well I guess you guys already see somethings going on. So hey bare with us and tell us how we are doing! Love feed back! Hope to update soon!

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