Chapter 6: Dylan

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Chapter 6: Dylan
The Hard Explanation
His knuckles started to hurt from constantly knocking on the door for so long. The numbing pain was nothing compared to the absolute horror he just faced minutes before. And now he had to explain everything to her if she ever opened the door.
He would have kept knocking if it wasn't for the male that stood next to him. Hell what was he even doing there. Dylan concluded that this all started with him anyways. He took his knuckles away from the door, his fist still clenched, and turned to the other with an angry expression.
"What are you doing here?" He asked in a hostile voice. He was sick of him and it has only been a couple hours since they met. The worst few hours of his life so far. Joel was brave enough to kiss his girlfriend and now stand here beside a pissed off Dylan. That took some serious courage.
"What did you do to her?" Joel yelled, pushing him back against the railing to the stairs. "I saw her running and crying- She was crying! What did you do to her?" He looked mad, scratch that, he looked pissed. Who was he to stick his nose where it doesn't belong? Someone had to put this idiot in his place. It all started with him in the first place.
Dylan clenched up his hands even more, but for the sake of Ryan he didn't hit him. Not this time since everything was falling to pieces already. He regrettingly opened his hands and wiped them on his jeans facing Joel with a blank expression.
"Just go home. She doesn't need you to be here," he retorted quickly with a calm tone that was almost unsettling. Watching Joel's expression change from pissed to confused made even Dylan proud of himself.
Months before he would gladly punch the idiot straight in the nose, but Ryan made him better. Made his rebel side a little more tamed than before. And he couldn't just let her go because of some really bad misunderstandings.
"Obviously you're the one that shouldn't be here! You made her cry!" He shouted still not backing down.
Dylan was about to respond before the door eased open and a little brown headed girl popped through the crack. Ryan yawned before opening the door a little more and taking in the scene in front of her. She rubbed her eyes as to make sure she saw everything correctly before clearing her throat. Her eyes trained on Dylan first with no expression, opening the door wide. "Dylan, we need to talk. As for you.." She slowly turned to look at Joel. "You need to leave."
"He.... But.... I...." He stammered looking between the two in the doorway. He couldn't seem to find his words to tell her that he wasn't the bad guy in this situation. Ryan simply shook her head and started to close the door on him. "Goodbye Joel."

Once both inside the library safely, she faced Dylan, her once expressionless face turned to look at him sternly. "You've got a lot of explaining to do," she spat at him angrily, putting her hands on her hips.
It still amazed him how this five foot and six inch girl could intimidate him, but there was no room to argue. He nodded solemnly and went over to the closest tables in the library, taking a seat.
"First of all I didn't kiss her," he said almost urgently wanting to make things clear that he didn't start that. He would never do that to her. His emerald green eyes searched her pale blue ones for some kind of sign that she believed him. Any sign. But all she did was sit across from him and just stare as if waiting for the other half of the story.
Sighing he thought back to what seemed ages ago and rubbed his forehead. "Well since you didn't get into the car, we dropped our plans of doing something fun and just went back home. That's uh.. That's when we saw that girl. Cole didn't want to be rude and invited her in, but left me there with her while Hayden and him went upstairs to finish a project." Dylan glanced over at her, but still no expression showed except for anger.
"I didn't know that just standing there talking would lead to that. And then you showed up and left before I could even explain."
He stopped and just looked at her expecting a witty remark or the 'I don't believe a world you are saying' look. It was unlike her to just sit there and look at him like that and it was starting to make him uncomfortable. He looked down at his hands in his lap and sighed.
"I'm sorry."
She nodded, thinking about his words. "Did you know her?" She asked looking at him. "She seemed to know you and random strangers usually don't have make out sessions."
He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "It was hardly a make out session Ryan. I didn't even kiss back." Dylan said a little agitated now that she didn't say she believed him.
"Answer the question," she insisted now a little more forcefully than before. "Did you know her, Dylan?" She bit her lip as she awaited his reply looking more worried than angry now.
He leaned back in his chair and nodded. "Yes. I did. She was an old friend before we moved. But I didn't invite her down! I sure as hell didn't invite her to kiss me either."
"I believe you," she said quietly after thinking about it. "I don't think you would ever do something like that," she gave him a small smile before adding, "Never let anything like that again. I'll be less understanding next time."
"I promise it won't happen again," he let out a breath not knowing he was holding one in. At least the hardest part was over for him. At least that is what he hoped.
They sat there and looked at each other for a while, seeming to decide whether to talk or not. Getting up from his seat, Dylan stretched and slowly started to make his way to back to the front doors.
Even though he was reluctant to say it, he wanted to be the better person in the situation. "You should probably talk to Joel. Clear things up," he advised as he reached out for the doorknob. Everything in his head screamed at him, telling him not to let him anywhere near her again.
Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he opened up the door and glanced over his shoulder at her.
She smiled and nodded. "Okay. I will," she said, crossing the room. She looked up at him. "But before you go..." She trailed off as she kissed his cheek on her tip toes of course. "Bye." She smiled and held the door open for him.
He smiled and waved his hand before closing the door behind him. At least he could go back home, where hopefully everything had gone back to normal.
Malori here!
Sorry about the long wait everyone!
I hope y'all are liking the book so far.
So, comment, vote, and have a great week!
The next chapter should be up soon.
Xoxo Malori (author of Ryan's POV)

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