Part 9

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2 weeks later...

"Good night sweetheart." 

"Night mom." Courtney closed the door from her bedroom, and sighed.

 Bridgette Summers one of her closest friends was murdered. The body was found at her High School, and yet the school was closed until this situation was over. Courtney and a lot of others had been crying at night, and apparently Eva Yang, had been arrested for Bridgette's murder, and had been served in court and found guilty. But it just didn't make sense, Eva never had anything against Bridgette so why would she be arrested for her murder?

tap tap tap

The sound of rocks being thrown to Courtney's window frightened her, she slowly pulled up her blind to come face to face with the least expected person.


Now Duncan and Courtney were never really friends, however Courtney never forgot that night in freshman year at Geoff's party, except from the part of getting raped by a man, she remembered a tall figure saving her that night and after that was all a blur. 

"Let me in Princess." Duncan smirked,

Courtney frowned, "Why should I let you in? I could just leave you outside in the rain and wait for you to leave." 

"Because, I need to tell you something." Duncan's voiced deepened,


Heather stood there walking back and forth, holding an invitation to Bridgette's funeral. 

"I can't go." She whispered. Tears began to roll from her cheeks again,

Heather was often a strong person, she went through a lot during primary school, such as getting bullied for being fat etc. However she was actually the most sensitive person, she often bottled up her emotions and never told anyone. 

"Hey it's okay." Alejandro said bringing her into a hug, 

"No. It's not okay! Bridgette was always there for everyone and now she's gone!" Heather sniffed,

Alejandro and Heather sat there staring out the window in silence, it felt nice, just the 2 of them there was no awkwardness in between.

"Um, so I-i have to go now my mom's gonna freak if I don't get home." Alejandro said breaking the silence.

"Right, so uhm Guess I'll see you later at school tomorrow?"


A couple minutes later after Alejandro left, Heather walked out to eat dinner with her family.

"Ah, Heather Feather so how's your day?" 

"What do you think dad? Bridgette died 2 weeks ago." Heather scoffed.

The table sat in silence, Heather's two  brothers and sister sat there picking at their food.

"Well my golf game is getting really good this season and..."

There he goes again going on about his golf game. Heather though, no one in her family seemed to care about her. She stood up and went to get another serving of meat and potatoes.

"Heather, dear, before you get another serving, you might wanna think of not eating tonight. Don't wanna get yourself too fat again!" Heather's mum joked. 

A flashback entered Heather's mind. During her primary years, she was fat, not as fat as that Owen dude at their school, but definitely fat for her age. In fact she was bullied, and she was in a never ending cycle of torture. Sooner after a year she moved schools and made new friends, she vowed to herself to never ever eat too much, and never embarrass and try to loose weight. The funny thing was she was only 8 years old.

Heather gritted her teeth at her mom and stormed off into her room, her parents just thought she was having a tantrum but instead she locked herself and started sobbing.

"No one will love you if you're unattractive." 

"Why am I not good enough?"

"Why do I look like this?"

As Heather stared at herself in the mirror saying countless words to herself, this week has been a blur. Nothing has worked out. Life wasn't fair.

She then felt the sudden urge to hurl she rushed into her bathroom and sat for 20 minutes hurling into the toilet.

During when Heather was 12 she learnt how to hurl her food out. At that age Heather thought that this was the best way to loose weight. However she was wrong. Hurling her food became a habit, so she rarely ever ate when she was 13 years old. 

However this all stopped thankfully when she was in before she got to freshman year she lost weight, and she had a good body. She thought this was all over until now.

After the feeling of vomiting Heather stood up and washed her mouth then she took a long shower and got ready for bed. As she brushed her teeth her toothpaste was a strange colour, it stained of vibrant blue and a hint of soggy paper stuck between her teeth, she spat it and turned on the tap letting the water rinse out the blue toothpaste. However the paper sat there swimming in the tap water. And an unwashable letter stood there.

Oh, this is just the beginning, eat up heather!  - Cree 


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